Group-IB’s experts highlight that more and more employees are taking advantage of the Chatbot to optimize their work, be it software development or business communications. By default, ChatGPT stores the history of user queries and AI responses.
Consequently, unauthorized access to ChatGPT accounts may expose confidential or sensitive information, which can be exploited for targeted attacks against companies and their employees. According to Group-IB’s latest findings, ChatGPT accounts have already gained significant popularity within underground communities.
Group-IB’s Threat Intelligence platform stores the industry’s largest library of dark web data, monitors cybercriminal forums, marketplaces, and closed communities in real time to identify compromised credentials, stolen credit cards, fresh malware samples, access to corporate networks, and other critical intelligence that enables companies to identify and mitigate cyber risks before further damage is done. Group-IB’s analysis of underground marketplaces revealed that the majority of logs containing ChatGPT accounts have been breached by the infamous Raccoon info stealer. The growing popularity of the AI-powered chatbot is evident in the consistent increase of compromised ChatGPT accounts observed by the Group-IB Threat Intelligence team throughout the past year.