The Affiliate Forum Alliance is dedicated to supporting online gambling affiliates. Our member affiliate forums offer places where affiliates can share their experiences and accomplish together what is often next to impossible when working alone.
We strongly believe that affiliates deserve to participate in forums where they come first. Forums where the opinions of affiliates are respected and where the business interests of forum operators do not trump the freedom of affiliate webmasters to respectfully share their experiences and knowledge with one another.
We believe in following the highest ethical standards and in the importance of transparency. And we are committed to earning the trust of the affiliates that use our forums every day.
As part of our commitment to earning the trust of affiliates all member affiliate forums have agreed to be accountable for their adherence to these standards.
If you ever observe an affiliate forum operating in a fashion that is inconsistent with any of these principles then we kindly request that you report the situation in our forum for prompt investigation.