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    Default Affiliate Manager Interview Series: Tomas Eliasson - Poker Host

    <img src="" width="476" height="100" alt=" Poker Host: Tomas Eilasson " />

    How does Poker Host differ from other poker affiliates?

    Our revshare up to 35% is worth mentioning. There is a payout facility in our affiliate program that many affiliates appreciate. A lot of affiliates also like the email confirmation they receive every time there is a new Poker Host sign up. And affiliates will soon be able to request their own private tourneys through the affiliate program.

    Are you running any World Series of Poker promos? If so, what are they and when do they run?

    Yes, indeed we do. We have probably the coolest WSOP promotion I’ve ever worked with: The Caveman Qualifier. On June the 18th we will give away 5 seats to the WSOP Main Event -- each package worth $12K. We also guarantee $50K to players finishing 6th and below. All players have to do is play 250 raked hands in order to participate. Check our website for more details. This is definitely a good promotion for both old and prospective affiliates to get the ball rolling with Poker Host.

    What songs are on your iPod (or mp3 player)?

    Right now I listen a lot to the boss of Sweden -- Ulf Lundell -- and various hard rock from the 80´s and 90´s -- AC/DC, Guns and Roses and Metallica.

    What’s your next big purchase (personal)?

    First of all I’m going to buy Rebecca at Casino City a shot of tequila next week when she comes down to Costa Rica. Then I definitely need a mobile phone. Believe it or not, all lines in Costa Rica have been occupied the last 4 months so as soon as they release new lines, I’m going to be the first in line.

    Where did you go to school?

    Sweden and UK.

    What’s the key to building successful relationships between affiliates and affiliate programs?

    At Poker Host we have four people working in the affiliate program: Sherry, Cano, José and me. Sherry concentrates on the US and Canadian markets and has a really personal relationship with her affiliates. Plus, she is the quickest lady in the industry on answering e-mail. Cano is doing our private tourneys and also handling the Asian and Spanish speaking markets together with José. I’m doing a bit of everything. But since I’m Swedish, it comes in natural that I’m focusing on the Scandinavian market. In other words, we have a multilingual team that offers personal and knowledgeable service to all affiliate all over the world.

    Is their an affiliate manager or affiliate program that you’d like to emulate?

    Not anyone in special. But there are a lot of good ideas and affiliate programs out there. Poker Host is always looking to improve on all levels and to offer their affiliates the best possible service.

    How did you get started in this business?

    I was working for Ladbrokes in London 2001 and got a great overview of the gaming business. I then continued with just poker and moved down to Gibraltar and joined Stan James. One of the highlights from the Stan James time was the Stans Poker with Top Model Tour; we traveled all over Sweden and played poker with Top Model dealers. This was also the biggest live tournament ever done in Scandinavia -- it lasted for 8 months. I joined up with Poker Host last year and really love this company and their staff. Costa Rica is a beautiful place and I hope to stay here and with Poker Host for a long, long time.

    Will you be playing in the GPWA freeroll? If so, what’s your strategy?

    Yes, of course. There is even a $100 bounty on me and our GM, Magnus Karlsson (he always bluffs by the way).

    My strategy is to never get in an all in situation until the heads up.

    What’s the first concert you attended in person?

    Bruce “The Boss” Springsteen, in Oslo.
    Last edited by vinism; 16 May 2007 at 2:26 pm.

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