I was actually doing a search on the Internet in regards to a taxation issue and through various links/clicks etc i somehow came across this website.

Now i am not sure how old this page is but i did find some of the links an interesting read on anti spam laws in various countries


Some of the links date back to 2006, some to 2009 so i would suggest anyone reading any of this double checks the current status.

For spammers you really do need to take notice that almost anywhere you are breaking the law these days.

I also found this article interesting which is one of the links on that site


It is dated 2006 and so may not be the current status, anyone that can update on this it would be appreciated, but in essence what it says is that an affiliate spamming is basically the fault of the program, in better words if we are spammed by a casino affiliate, it is the casino that is held responsible.

Again a lot of these articles and links are a little dated, but i am sure that for the most part they are very relevant today.