ACMA Chair Nerida O’Loughlin said that while to date the regulator had requested ISPs to block more than 500 illegal gambling websites, is one of the most substantial in terms of potential harm to the community.
“We have received more complaints about this year than any other illegal gambling website, and it is clearly doing a lot of harm to the Australian community,” Ms O’Loughlin said.
“Complaints have ranged from people who have lost significant amounts of money through to the site refusing to honour deposits and winnings.
“By blocking access to sites like this we are sending a strong message that the ACMA can and will take action to stop illegal operators from targeting Australians.”
Website blocking is just one element of the ACMA’s strategy to disrupt illegal gambling, which includes industry engagement, targeted enforcement and public education.
Over 160 illegal services have pulled out of the Australian market since the ACMA started enforcing new illegal offshore gambling rules in 2017.