Please give a warm welcome to Azartia Partners!
We are pleased to welcome them to the GPWA community as a new Silver sponsor!
A little about the program:
Azartia Partners is focused exclusively on the Spanish-language market, bringing a wealth of localized knowledge to their marketing approach. The affiliae program represents Azartia Bingo, Azartia Casino, and Azartia Poker, all powered by PartyGaming software. The sites proudly boast a marketing partnership with Spanish land-based gaming giant CIRSA as through league sponsor and poker tournament sponsor. The program offers a tiered 20%-30% revenue share, with a special promotiomal 40% revenue share for the first three months.
Affiliate Program Management:
>> Egoitz Olabarrieta, Online Marketing & Affiliates Manager - Egoitz goes by Azartiapartners in the forum. His email is
Signing up or Additional Info
To sign up, just fill out the Azartia Partners registration form here (note: form is in Spanish).
Or, for additional information about the program, visit the Azartia Partners program review or the Azartia Partners forum.