Hey I am new here my name is John and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a reputable Binary Option program to promote.
Hey I am new here my name is John and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a reputable Binary Option program to promote.
Check out Empire Money:
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There are several solid programs and I have written a little about some to look at on my Binary Options site; http://www.mybinaryoption.com/binary...iate-programs/
Hope this link helps.
Simon Eaton - Online marketing consultancy with 20 years experience
http://thebinaryoptionsaffiliate.com also has some good affiliate programs, and their CPA rates as well. It could give you a picture of what to expect.
So this is your site?
Are you referring to me? Yes mybinaryoption.com is my attempt at being an affiliate in the binary options world.
Simon Eaton - Online marketing consultancy with 20 years experience
No Simon, I was asking woja.
ok, Rick have you dabbled in the binary options world?
Simon Eaton - Online marketing consultancy with 20 years experience
No Simon I have not done anything with options.
I am hesitant since almost everyone, OPERATORS INCLUDED, promote this as investments and in most of the programs that take your money you are not INVESTING in anything.
Most people that invest money into something actually expect to get something for their investment, and I just feel that the operators (as well as almost all those involved in the industry) are not being upfront enough about what the money "invested/spent" is being used for.
If they were, the word investment would rarely be used (if ever) and the words gamble and bet would be used more.
-Shay- (12 October 2013)
Binary options in my eyes is gambling pure and simple. I agree that the brokers prefer to use the word investment over gambling as it sells their product better.
Simon Eaton - Online marketing consultancy with 20 years experience
True, so should we start selling casinos and sportsbooks as investments too? I mean it might sell the property better....
Or....would that be lying?
If so, why do those with options programs and pages think it is ok to lie to their visitors?
Up or Down/Black or Red
It's all gambling IMO
Dear Poster, i have a list of them, just hit me via skype and i will be able to help You. high payouts and conversion rate is guaranteed
I don't think binary options is gambling. There are several working strategies you can use to trade options successfully. I know majority of binary options affiliates don't even know what they are promoting - it's not nice at all.
TradArea (28 January 2015)
This link no longer winks woja
add me on skype: paulbinarycpa