I really would like to shift the posts away from Conferences. I know that affiliates are getting frustrated!
I really would like to shift the posts away from Conferences. I know that affiliates are getting frustrated!
The gpwa has turned into one big conference.
I wish Michael would take over!
Hi Mojo,
I haven't noticed one big conference here.
I hope GPWA remains diverse with information about everything that affects us. It would get boring if the only new discussions and information here was only about conferences. It hasn't really become that has it?
mojo (10 September 2010)
Obviously I am biased but by my calculation the conference type posts are a massive minority and kept to specific sections in the forum for example I never post out of the events area and most of the time in the iGB Affiliate Events area in just one thread that I update - Programs obviously post but they keep to the area that they are paying for so again segregated.
This information is also essential for hundreds of affiliates that are coming that hang out in GPWA from arranging meetings to knowing what is happening.
Re program emails - Maybe drop them an email and opt out of those mails?? They must be able to do that in teh back end with a bit of fiddling unless the invite/update is just part of a bigger general email.
I will also go and post in your other thread now with regards to the benefits a conference brings to people that don't attend as I have a few things there.
iGB Affiliate - The biggest magazine and events for affiliates in igaming
mojo (10 September 2010)
Hi Paula, good to see you back speaking your mind
Personally i don't see the GPWA turning in to one big conference, to me it is info there for affiliates that want it, those that dont can easily pass over those threads.
All affiliates have complaints, one of mine is that the GPWA is too casino orientated and very little about Sportsbooks, i also get annoyed that some programs have done a Grand Prive and next to nothing is said or done about it in the same way the Grand Prive campaign was conducted,
I have no doubt that other affiliates have complaints about all sorts of things including things like the criteria for accepting private members, certain sponsors allowed on here and so on.
Point being is that the GPWA cannot please all the people all the time and we as individuals have to exercise out right to choose, i choose to ignore certain threads, i am sure some members choose to ignore my posts and so on.
If the GPWA culled the conference posts then there would be complaints from those that appreciated those threads and the info and banter contained within them.
I understand your frustrations Paula, but we all have them about all sorts of topics, we just have to choose what we read and don't.
Receiving emails is another subject, but i am sure you can unsubscribe from them and if you do and you still receive them, then use the GPWA to broadcast that fact, that is part of what it is here for.
Arthritis Care
To find true bravery and courage all one need do is look in to the eyes of a sick child - A humble parent
Oh and don't forget, those like me are just doing our job!
Last edited by DaftDog; 10 September 2010 at 7:51 am. Reason: spelling mistake
How do you know it took 3 edits? Do you have a camera in mojo's house? If so is the feed available on i tunes?I see it took you at least three edits to say what you finally wanted to say. Maybe you shouldn't post when you've had a few too many. BTW Mojito, nice to see you again as well.
For the record anybody with over 3k post here at gpwa and been in the business for close to 10 years can say whatever they want once in awhile even if it does throw others for a loop. I for one enjoy mojo's posts as well as everybody elses.
It has been boring as hell here the last few weeks maybe you should thank her.
Epic Gambler - Reviews, Ratings, Excitement
Sorry to derail a bit but... Alex, do you have any idea who is behind the Monaco conference? I get several emails a week from them and there is no opt out, also I emailed to the sender with "Unsubsribe" several times and no changes have been made. I finally blocked the email address from coming through.
"People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity." ~Andrew Carnegie~
Not sure who these guys are but here are the details of the person that emails a guy that works with me - He might be able to help....I wonder where they got your email???
Nicolas Bauer
MiE Sales & Marketing Manager
SINERGI Sports Consulting
Maison du Sport International
Avenue de Rhodanie 54
1007 Lausanne – Switzerland
+33 (0) 6 16 32 71 92
iGB Affiliate - The biggest magazine and events for affiliates in igaming
That is who I mailed to. Fell on deaf ears I guess. He may have grabbed the email from the online gaming providers thingy CasinoCity put online. I think my email to iGamingPros.com is there.
"People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity." ~Andrew Carnegie~