The D.C. Lottery held the first of eight planned community meetings to discuss Washington D.C.'s new online gambling legislation. A handful of Ward 5 residents attended last night's meeting, and according to The Washington Post, don't have much of a problem with Internet gambling.

From the Post:

At the first of eight community meetings set to discuss the city’s controversial new “iGaming” program, few moral or philosophical objections were lodged against the idea that city residents should be able to gamble online legally, with the city getting a cut of the action.

But that’s not to say that everyone’s fine with the program as currently proposed. Two lines of objection emerged at the meeting: First, that the process by which it was enacted — as a provision in budget legislation not subject to a separate public hearing — was suspicious. And second and more pervasive, that the proceeds from the program — estimated conservatively at $9 million per year — ought to be set aside for particular worthy programs rather than funneled straight into the city’s general fund.