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    Lightbulb Earn Money Using Social Networking

    I'm very pleased to announce the official launch of our first application that enables portal webmasters to earn affiliate revenue using social networking.

    Our new "Places I've Played" Facebook application lets players you refer share with their friends all of the online and land-based places where they've gambled as well as their experiences and opinions. And when their friends visit the online gambling sites they mention you earn affiliate revenue.

    To try out the "Places I've Played" application, just follow the link Try Out "Places I've Played."

    Name:  mapmock.gif
Views: 2159
Size:  26.3 KB
    Players can share both online and land-based locations where they've played

    To start earning affiliate revenue we have a complete back-end system designed just for portal webmasters. Clicks to online gaming sites are sent via links you provide that include your affiliate codes, ensuring you receive credit from the affiliate programs with which you work. Besides earning affiliate revenue, you can also promote your portal website, or a group or fan page you have established for your business on Facebook. To access the back-end system to earn affiliate revenue just select the "Places I've Played" option under "My Account" in the top navigation bar on the GPWA website (you must be logged in for this option to appear). There you will find a complete overview of how the system works.

    A tremendous amount of effort went into creating this application. We've had many members of our staff involved in its development over the past half year. And over 25 GPWA members helped by agreeing to participate in the beta-test over the past several months. A complete list of who participated in the beta-test process is available in the thread beta-test participants.

    As with all version 1.0 applications, we still have a lot of work that needs to be done to have an application that achieves our vision. So our product development effort will continue. Please let us know what you think of the application and how it can be improved. We have a special new section on the GPWA site for feedback. Visit the section "Facebook Places I've Played Application Bug Reports and Feature Suggestions" when you have feedback to submit.

    GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
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  2. #2
    aksana's Avatar
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    Thanks Michael for letting us know. Last months I was so busy that had no enough time to test your application properly
    Sorry for that.
    My big plans make me crazy
    I'll take a look at it.

  3. #3
    matted's Avatar
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    Michael - Can you just confirm that this app is viral? So friends of friends... of friends... etc (infinite levels)... all get tagged back to my original installation and thus the links are the ones i set up?

    I just dont see any documentation which would confirm this...
    Owner, Cognitive Powers, Inc.
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    Vrindavan's Avatar
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    is the application just for use within facebook account only ?

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  7. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by matted View Post
    Michael - Can you just confirm that this app is viral? So friends of friends... of friends... etc (infinite levels)... all get tagged back to my original installation and thus the links are the ones i set up?

    I just dont see any documentation which would confirm this...

    The application is viral, but not to infinite levels. I'll explain the ways in which it is viral below:

    1. If you say that you visit an online gaming site, then the links to the online gaming site provided in your profile (which can be viewed by your friends and by others in your regional network on facebook) and the links in the Places I've Played notifications facebook sends to your friends will all carry your affiliate codes (assuming you have provided them), so you will earn 100% of the revenue on those links.

    2. If someone signs up to use the application based on your invitation, or based on a link you provide on your website or in an e-mail, then their links are considered the same as yours as indicated above. So, if you consider these folks to be first level, then the notifications to their friends, and views by their friends and others in their regional network (the second level) will all carry your affiliate codes, so you will earn 100% of the revenue on those links.

    3. In addition to the affiliate links going out to a second level as specified above, there is also promotional activity for a webmaster's website and any facebook group or fan page promoted by the webmaster. Players that visit the webmaster's website or that join the webmaster's facebook group or become a fan of the webmaster can then be signed up to use the application as identified in point 2 above, extending levels further.

    4. The exception to item 2 is that is someone is a portal webmaster registered on the GPWA website who signs up and associates their facebook account with the application then they will carry their own affiliate link after that time. Simply put, we can't give 100% credit to two different webmasters at the same time, and didn't want to get bogged down in a lot of additional application complexity to handle this situation in a more elaborate fashion.

    My thinking has been that the application, with the current levels, allows a webmaster to cast a net that propagates links to friends of those with whom they have a current relationship with 100% credit, and then to further extend relationships based on the extended circle that they attract to visit their website.

    We do keep track of signup relationships, so we could do something at additional levels in the future. However, it cost a fair amount to develop this infrastructure, and there will be continue expenses to support and maintain it, so we need to have some way of recovering at least a portion of our expenses. To go out more levels than those already provided we would need to move to a model where things were shared, and the complexity and development costs are something that will only make sense if things unfold over time in a way that too much of the value happens at levels further out. Right now we think that won't be the case, but until we have some data about the application and how it spreads it will be really hard to know for sure one way or the other.

    GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
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  8. #6
    MichaelCorfman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vrindavan View Post
    is the application just for use within facebook account only ?
    The application can be promoted both from within Facebook and outside Facebook. At the present time the application itself only runs within Facebook, although our expectation is that we will extend it to other platforms in the future.

    GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
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  9. #7
    daminc is offline Private Member
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    Could you please explain WHERE can I submit my affiliate link for any online casino that I have played?

    Say, I added 32red
    Javascript Link leads to a page about 32Red.

    Then there's a link to this page:

    And finally if I click "Play now" on this page then I will be redirected to 32Red casino with "32RedBanAff5070" affiliate code, which is certainly not mine

    I don't see any place for my link other than "Site User Handle:"

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  11. #8
    CityGuard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daminc View Post
    Could you please explain WHERE can I submit my affiliate link for any online casino that I have played?
    The application management is built into the "My Account" dropdown in the main GPWA navigation -- we've added a "Places I've Played" option to that menu. I think the confusion arose from Michael's initial post referred to the "My Account" in the top navigation but hadn't clarified that it is the navigation on rather than within the website or the Facebook website. He's now edited it so it should be clarified for other readers in the future.

    Here is a direct link to the Places I've Played Affiliate Interface. This is the entry page for the interface and gives an overview plus has a navigation linking to all the different management options -- adding affiliate links, specifying a portal to promote, specifying groups or fan pages to promote, campaign stats, etc. So it is the place to start if you're looking to get more acquianted with the application first.

    In terms of just getting the basics running here are direct links to two of the campaign set-up pages:
    1) The first step will be to connect your GPWA account to your Facebook account. The "account association" page is here.
    2) The second step is adding affiliate links, which is done at here. Note the process for adding links is based on searching for the gaming site rather than the affiliate program.

    I'd like to make sure the set-up goes as smoothly as possible so if please feel free either post questions here or get in touch with me directly if there are other questions during set-up.

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    Inquiries intended for an administrator or staff member can be directed to Anthony Telesca through the forum (username Anthony) or to the general contact address manager AT gpwa DOT org.

  12. #9
    matted's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelCorfman View Post

    The application is viral, but not to infinite levels. I'll explain the ways in which it is viral below:

    ...cut to preserve space ...

    Can I summarize what I think I read? Because this app, from my perspective, lost value to me without at least a couple levels of direct referrals...
    • My friends (1st degree I invite) or anyone who signs up DIRECTLY from my invite get my affiliate links
    • Friends of friends (2nd level and beyond) will see my portal or fan page only... I'm still not clear how this would work (how clear would my portal link be?), and it isn't easy to get an example.
    As for all the other stuff, I'm glad you kept it simple. There is no need to worry about splitting referrals or such.

    What I don't understand... While I may provide links to 30-50 casinos, that leaves hundreds of others which Casino City would still get credit for (even on my direct signups)... I'm sure those, if thousands of people install this thing, could make up for the development costs...
    Owner, Cognitive Powers, Inc.
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  14. #10
    CityGuard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matted View Post
    I'm still not clear how this would work (how clear would my portal link be?), and it isn't easy to get an example.
    I've set up my account management to use the Casino City Fan page and the portal Here is an example of how your Fan page or group plus portal are promoted:

    First page (within facebook, so no gaming sites or portals are linked to directly in order to remain very strictly compliant with Facebook rules). You can select a Facebook group about your site or a Fan page about your site to promote here. In the examples the Casino City logo displays because I've selected that as the fan page I am promoting.

    When visitor clicks on "More Details" from the initial page they are taken out of facebook to with pages that link to the casino site and are able to directly promote the portal. The second page examples include promotion of the fan page/group I've selected and above that also promote the portal with a direct link to it and a text description that you enter.

    Example first page for land-based casino.
    Name:  MoheganSunExampleInitialPage.JPG
Views: 1764
Size:  37.3 KB

    Example second page for land-based casino.
    Name:  MoheganSunExampleDetailsPage.JPG
Views: 2017
Size:  39.5 KB

    Example first page for online casino.
    Name:  CarbonPokerExampleInitialPage.JPG
Views: 1839
Size:  33.8 KB

    Example second page for online casino.
    Name:  CarbonPokerExampleDetailsPage.JPG
Views: 1909
Size:  38.9 KB

    I am heading out soon but will add a feature request to have something like a "see what this does" functionality on the Fan Page/Group selection page and the Featured Site selection page within the management interface. Aside from increasing familiarity at the basic start-up, going directly to a live example would also make it easy for users to confirm that we have an up to date screenshot of the portal on file.

    Hope this is helpful.
    I have left the industry and earned a law degree at Indiana University Bloomington, Maurer School of Law. Here are ways to stay in touch with me:
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    Inquiries intended for an administrator or staff member can be directed to Anthony Telesca through the forum (username Anthony) or to the general contact address manager AT gpwa DOT org.

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  16. #11
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    Very helpful and makes me feel a little better about the exposure I'd get promoting this app...
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  17. #12
    Fortune Palace's Avatar
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    Some of my properties don't seem to show up in the search for 'Add New Affiliate Relationship', specifically: Bodog, Betfair and Purple Lounge. They're all available in the 'Online Gaming Sites...' search, just not the affiliate link.
    Andy - Fortune Palace | Online Casino Strategy Guide

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  19. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fortune Palace View Post
    Some of my properties don't seem to show up in the search for 'Add New Affiliate Relationship', specifically: Bodog, Betfair and Purple Lounge. They're all available in the 'Online Gaming Sites...' search, just not the affiliate link.
    Thanks for the report. I've researched this a bit entered it as a bug in the project management system here.
    I have left the industry and earned a law degree at Indiana University Bloomington, Maurer School of Law. Here are ways to stay in touch with me:
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    Inquiries intended for an administrator or staff member can be directed to Anthony Telesca through the forum (username Anthony) or to the general contact address manager AT gpwa DOT org.

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  21. #14
    MichaelCorfman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fortune Palace View Post
    Some of my properties don't seem to show up in the search for 'Add New Affiliate Relationship', specifically: Bodog, Betfair and Purple Lounge. They're all available in the 'Online Gaming Sites...' search, just not the affiliate link.
    You should now be able to add those properties too. There were some edge cases around sites with multiple URL's that we want to treat as a single site rather than as a series of separate sites that were not handled properly in the affiliate relationship interface.

    We think we have it fixed for all such edge cases now, but please let us know if we missed any other iGaming sites and we will take care of them right away.

    GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
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  23. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by matted View Post
    Very helpful and makes me feel a little better about the exposure I'd get promoting this app...

    It's extremely important to me that the application provide a very strong benefit to webmasters who promote it. I believe it will do that, and I welcome feedback to make sure that is the case. Some of this is hard to do in forums, so I would also welcome a phone conversation to discuss it in more depth. The benefits of the application to webmasters are not all obvious, and it will take us some time to enhance things to the point where all of those benefits are realized and clear to everyone.

    But I would like to take a minute to explain one benefit I think those who promote it will receive that is currently in place. As you note, webmasters tend to have relationships with some programs, and to promote those on their websites. But their players will also go to other sites, and so with the Places I've Played application, those that do so will share that information with their friends, and in cases where their friends sign-up and the webmaster does not have an affiliate relationship, the webmaster cannot earn any affiliate revenue. And it is true that when this happens, if we have a relationship, we will use our affiliate code.

    However, the back-end application we have built will also report to the webmaster all of the links and click-throughs to sites for which the webmaster does not have affiliate relationships. I think this is actually really valuable information for webmasters, because it provides feedback about where users they have referred to the application are playing with whom they don't currently have relationships. If you think the site is reputable, and many of your players are going there, then you should form an affiliate relationship and promote that site and capture the revenue that you were missing before from the players on your site. And I don't just mean the revenue missed through the Places I've Played application, I mean the revenue you are missing on your own website by not understanding what iGaming sites most appeal to your visitors that they find on their own through other sources.

    So I believe feedback from the application will help webmasters evolve who they promote in a way that will have a long-term revenue benefit above and beyond revenue generated directly through use of the application. And I also don't expect us to make much money through first level referrals because I believe webmasters will be pretty quick to add programs if they find the visitors from their site are visiting other sites in significant numbers.

    GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
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  24. #16
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    Still having a problem with Betfair, Bodog and Purple Lounge, I'm afraid!

    Although they now show up in the search (though I'd rather differentiate between Bodog casino, poker and sports), when you add them to the 'Current Affiliate Relationships', the thumbnail screenshots are blank for the first two and the Purple Lounge one shows a completely different property.

    Sorry to keep you busy!
    Last edited by Fortune Palace; 12 July 2008 at 10:44 am.
    Andy - Fortune Palace | Online Casino Strategy Guide

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  26. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fortune Palace View Post
    Still having a problem with Betfair, Bodog and Purple Lounge, I'm afraid!

    Although they now show up in the search (though I'd rather differentiate between Bodog casino, poker and sports), when you add them to the 'Current Affiliate Relationshios', the thumbnail screenshots are blank for the first two and the Purple Lounge one shows a completely different property.

    Sorry to keep you busy!

    First of all, don't be sorry to keep us busy. The feedback helps us to work out remaining kinks in the version 1.0 features, and this is as important to us as it is to you. So thanks for your help on that front.

    With respect to the missing images on the back-end, we anticipate having that fixed sometime on Monday. I should have mentioned in my last post that there was an issue left on that front. However, the front end, which really matters, since that is what the players see, does have the correct images, so I view the back-end image as important to fix, but not urgent.

    In terms of Bodog, on the front end application for players right now we only give them the option of selecting that they play at Bodog rather than at the individual sections within Bodog. Since players only have one choice in the front-end of the application, we have to match that view on the back-end for webmasters when they specify a link of their choice for players who want to visit that site.

    We understand that on a gaming portal site these want to be distinguished. In fact, we distinguish them ourselves on our website and feel it is important that we do so since we segment our site into different areas for casinos and poker and sports betting. However, our feeling was that a player would think of themselves as playing on the Bodog site rather than thinking of bodog poker and bodog casino and bodog sportsbook as being different sites. So we actually went to some amount of work to present a single brand image on the player end of the Places I've Played application to support that view. But I certainly understand there could be some debate about whether what we are doing now is correct, and I'd welcome feedback on that front.

    We do think there is a whole other level of what games players play, and we are actually planning to do a lot of work in that area in the future, but there is a whole other level of complexity that is at least as much work as what we have already taken on. I can tell you that at the same time I bought the domain to support the existing application, I also bought the domain to support future expansion into that area. They will probably end up being one big application rather than two - just two different perspectives you can use to approach what players like. But over time I expect the game perspective will actually create greater revenue streams because I believe it allows promotion of properties in the context of a more player-centric games orientation.

    In terms of purple lounge, we'll check into that situation and make sure we get it right.

    GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
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  28. #18
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    Just wanted to chime in here really fast and express my gratitude for all the hard and I am sure exhausting work that went into this application. I have not had the proper amount of time it will take to get this all set up as of yet but I hope to set a day aside in the next week or so to get er done

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  30. #19
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    One tip, when creating your links, you need to drop the http:// from your tags as the application auto adds it. thuis if you have http:// in your link it attempts to call http://http:// and of course that wont work at all.
    "People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity." ~Andrew Carnegie~

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  32. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chips View Post
    One tip, when creating your links, you need to drop the http:// from your tags as the application auto adds it. thuis if you have http:// in your link it attempts to call http://http:// and of course that wont work at all.
    Thanks for the feedback. I think I'll choose to have us consider that a bug. We'll change the application so it works the right way whether or not you include http:// at the start of the URL string you specify.

    GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
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