I've submitted my claim.
I've submitted my claim.
Daera (7 December 2009)
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I submitted a claim, but since I have no access to my stats, I don't know what amount the last payment was, what date it was on, and what my tracker is.
I am unable to submit a proper claim. I submitted what I knew without access to my stats.
Daera (7 December 2009)
Posted Chez Bailey:
As an interested observer, have I missed the point? Isn't your beef with GP that they denied commissions going forward?
If they pay from period XYZ to now, why would they then NOT pay from now and into the future?
Rather funny, really.
I am sure Grand Prive knows exactly how much they stole from affiliates.
Hope money will be returned to you Dom and everyone who has been taken by them. We will continue to put pressue on Grand Prive until this is resolved.
I am here to help if you have any issues with an affiliate program.
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It seems they are starting to feel the absence of affiliates.
I wouldn't be surprised to hear the newest PR from GP in the near future that they reopen the affiliate program...
Daera (7 December 2009)
Another thing that upsets me here, is the fact that they give us a 2 week deadline to submit a claim. TWO WEEKS, after a year of nothing.
What if I was on vacation right now, and didn't see this for two weeks? It is the holidays afterall.
What if I had changed my email and didn't visit the forum here?
I don't think it's reasonable or fair to put a 2 week deadline on the claim submissions after a year of doing nothing. What happens to those people that are on vacation or changed email and don't see this in time? Tough luck?
Are they planning on paying interest on this money they've kept over the last year and now suggest they might pay?
Are they planning to continue to pay from now on, once paid up till now? I certainly am not assuming that and they mentioned nothing about from this point forward.
That's a very important point.
If they only pay up through the present, that only partially resolves the issue.
If players continue to play after affiliates are paid up through 2009, then what?
I think each "settlement" should include a buyout of some sort, negotiated privately between each affiliate and Grand Prive. Simply getting "caught up" doesn't cut it if the players are still making deposits.
Sure! That's nuts. What are they thinking here????Another thing that upsets me here, is the fact that they give us a 2 week deadline to submit a claim.
Besides, there is no way to submit any kind of actual claim based on the form they provide for this process.
eCOGRA, needs to step back, and re-think how they REALLY want to handle this, IMO.
They might start by addressing the core issue everyone is complaining about, and drop the semantics. IE: Paying lifetime commissions as agreed.
Sounds like a good place for ANY HONEST INVESTIGATION, {as they stated}, of this problem to start.
PS: I'd be happy to engage anyone from eCOGRA and/or Grand Prive as to the terms agreed to as it relates to lifetime commissions to affiliates.
We went thru all of this at CAP before they collapsed, and there is nothing in that agreement that absolves the casinos from continuing their obligations on the players brought in prior to the closure of the affiliate program.
Closing the program is fine as I already mentioned, but the prior, exsiting obligations remain.
Bring it on right here at the GPWA, and we can hash it out right here in public. I would appreciate and welcome this opportunity,.... and am happy to engage this serious problem on behalf of the affiliate community.![]()
This all still stinks. What about all the players that i had that downloaded back in the day but never deposited.....who's to say they have not come back and decided to deposit now or in the future? By right those are my players, and if i was still with their program i would earn income off them. God i had hundreds of downloads from players that had not made their first deposit yet, that doesn't mean that they never will, but i lose all of their income because GP is not going to pay for lifetime....
there is just no way to put a price on what income we are losing now or in the future.
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I agree Pat, and this is why I think this whole "go file a claim" is just plain nonesense.
I think that eCogra knows this.
It's pretty clear the Grande Prive casinos are now having trouble getting, and possibly keeping players that we no longer promote them and that they have been blacklisted by so many affiliates.
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If an affiliate program is not small affiliate friendly (especially small US Affiliate), then they are NOT Affiliate Friendly!
Daera (8 December 2009)
I received an email today from an eCOGRA rep. assigned to my case stating that I should hear a decision in mid January or sometime there after.
Daera (8 December 2009)
I also received an email from someone from eCOGRA today, stating that they will be personally investigating my case. But my email said that they expect their review of the Grand Prive data and systems, to investigate the amounts owing to me, to commence early in the new year.
I don't know how long this will take but mine won't start until early next year sometime.
Facilitate claims? 2 weeks.eCOGRA will additionally facilitate the submission of claims by any affiliate that considers an amount to be owing by the Grand Privé Affiliate program as a result of player wagering activity subsequent to 1 December 2008; and
Perform a full and professional review of the program software and data to confirm amounts owing to claimants at 21 December 2009.
Ecogra should rule whether Grand Prive were in order or not, and Grand Prive then open up ALL the aff accounts again, pay what is owed and keep doing so going forward, or not.
I think affs are being sold a pup here.
We shall see.
Jon Parker,
editor, EGRmagazine.com
Which is exactly why I asked the GAU to contact eCogra and express our concerns.
Terry - The Pokerkeep
President / CEO - Gambling Affiliates Union
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Email: admin @ thepokerkeep.com
Hmm. Cynical radar flashing red.
When is the world's biggest online gambling event / affy conference?
What is the last thing Microgaming wants?
To be beseiged by affiliates pissed of with the situation and MAYBE, just MAYBE, raising also the issues of the two massive failed pokerrooms.
Now, Microgaming has bought itself a free ride. I strongly suspect that Eurolinx and Tusk will fall off the agenda (no vested affiliate interest), and if the GP question does arise: problems????? Good people, what are you talking about? Don't you know that our glovepupp...(ahem) eCOGRA is looking into this? They will take care of everything.
Gambling conference over.
eCOGRA "reports back", ie. most likely with a handful of earnings here or there handed over for show but, as we know, since GP didn't actually do anything outside of its (unfair) contractual requirements, eCOGRA will, in some form, say this at some point, and you will all end up in the exact same position. eCOGRA are not about to "require" that GP reopen its affiliate programme, and this is the only way that fairness, in terms of ongoing commissions as per the original agreement and putting aside the "no more commissions upon account closure" unfair clause, can be achieved.
Microgaming thus buys another year.
Next year, 1) you'll have all given up or 2) Microgaming pulls another stunt to buy another year's grace.
Why is eCOGRA even involved, when GPWA/CAP/AGD combined are vastly better resourced?
And what exactly is it that you're actually hoping for from eCOGRA / GP? I think this should be clearly defined. And if the answer you come up with to that question is "fairness", then you need to rethink / extend / develop it.
giggles7p (15 December 2009), joeyl (15 December 2009), universal4 (15 December 2009)
I figure I am likely owed a small amount...
So eCogra, if your listening, let me see my stats so I can file a claim!!
Anything other than that is just a load of ****!
My guess is any affiliate that tries to claim more than what they are owed will be denied. Any affiliate that tries to claim less than what they are truly owed will be paid what they file for and NOT what they SHOULD be paid!
So let me state again,
Let me see my stats so I can file a claim!
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GPWA Moderation by Me and My Big Bad Security Self
If an affiliate program is not small affiliate friendly (especially small US Affiliate), then they are NOT Affiliate Friendly!
giggles7p (15 December 2009)