Wait what Renee. I'm still on the wagon. And if this wasn't a public place, id show my shirtless picture ha ha![]()
Wait what Renee. I'm still on the wagon. And if this wasn't a public place, id show my shirtless picture ha ha![]()
I'm doing T25. We'll see how that goes. And I'm playing tennis, I quit smoking (5 days), I'm drinking less coffee etc.
Frankly I was feeling better when I was sitting all day, smoking and drinking loads of coffee. This **** is inhumane.
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I get up at 5am for my sessions.
At the moment my trainer also has me doing 2 * 45 min walks and 2 * interval sets during the week so I'm either doing those at lunch time or as soon as I get home from work. I'm lucky because I live right on top of my gym so I just walk downstairs and straight in without having to think about staying in bed or not going because it's too much effort.
The gym I'm training with my trainer at is in the city though so I have to catch a ten min train there. But it's not too bad because it gives me a chance to talk to someone. Usually by 8am driving to work I don't shut up because I've already been awake so long.
I just figured since noone was updating here everyone had stopped.
Who cares if it's a public place. Show it anyway! Hahahah
I'm sure Maria would love that
I will need to look up T25 to see what it is.
You probably felt better doing those things because your body is going through a withdrawal. After the crap leaves your body you will start to feel better.
Good idea!
Renee, Affiliate Program Manager
Affiliate Program for CasinoRewards.com
Best Affiliate Manager - CAP Awards 2008
Best Casino Affiliate Manager - CAP Awards 2009
Best Casino Affiliate Manager - iGB Affiliate Awards 2010
That is the point of it. Of course one feels better while living selfdestructively. As nonsmoking, nondrinking vegetarian, doing sports and yoga... I can say yes, it is really no fun living healthy. I smoked about 3 cigars in my life, I loved it. I drank alcohol before quite a lot, I loved it as well. Cookies ...I loved them as well and it made my brain sharper, but now my weight went up, so I am giving up it as well. On the contrary I was driving on bicycle around Europe, it was no fun, but true hell as any other exercise.
There is a basic choice - to enjoy and kill myself or live in boredom and emptiness until 120. Not much funny choiceIt is just impact of stupid ads that imprint us an image that if we get more healthy, we will feel overall better. All hardworking people that work for years 7 days a week and really have results do not live healthy life. I try a lot, but the pain to stay focused is often unbearable. People live unhealthy lives (and gambling is one of those habbits), because the unhealthy lifestyle actually helps them with the pain of the life.
I am glad I have the sex allowed yet..
If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.
I am going to say that I disagree. I think what you said is perhaps a good generalisation, but is not 100%.
Before I decided to get into shape, I was unhappy. I used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, I was drunk most of the time and I was fat.
Since getting fit and healthy of course there are times when I still drink, although not every single weekend, and on extremely special occasions I will smoke a cigar (but no cigarettes). I'm also much happier that I'm not fat, and in fact my body may have never looked better. I'm not a skinny fat girl (the body type where they are skinny but there is no muscle tone whatsoever but just fat) and I still have curves and all that, but I actually have some shape in my body tone. My posture is better too.
My already clear skin is even clearer, and I look ten years younger than I am - people think I'm in my early 20s when they meet me and can't believe
I'm in my early 30s. I feel like I can do anything.
Personally I think, unless you are doing a competition like I am at the moment, there is no NEED to give up everything you love.
Everything in moderation. You shouldn't have to give up chocolate, or having a drink. In moderation these things wont kill you, and as long as your body is in a healthy range and you're happy with how you FEEL, then you should enjoy your life. One of the biggest threats to an unhealthy lifestyle is things like diabetes, heart disease etc etc. If you're enjoying your life and you don't mind that you may get something like this, fine. But what about grandchildren and seeing them grow up etc? I don't have any kids so I can't speak for myself first hand, but I think if I did I would want to make sure I'm around long enough to see them grow into amazing humans.
Your last line about having an unhealthy lifestyle helping with pain of life really hits home for me. When I am unhappy all I want to do is live like that, but one day I just decided I didn't want to be that person anymore and tried to turn everything bad that happened into a positive thing. So far it has worked well for me. I have ****** days just like everyone else, but I really do try to look at the good things happening and put things into perspective.
**** happens to everyone. Someone you know right now is probably going through the hardest thing they have ever had to deal with in their life, and you don't even know it.
Renee, Affiliate Program Manager
Affiliate Program for CasinoRewards.com
Best Affiliate Manager - CAP Awards 2008
Best Casino Affiliate Manager - CAP Awards 2009
Best Casino Affiliate Manager - iGB Affiliate Awards 2010
Well, personally, I think life in general really is a ****. And the only hope is to accept it with brave and suffer like a hero
I really talk generally here. I really hate being messenger of bad news all the time so I will be brief. You really achieved something remarkable with your body and effort and kudos for that. But it is better not to expect too much for it. Every coin has two sides. When almost all of us were children, we were nice and healthy, but then almost all of us became ugly junkies that almost can not move. This did not happen out of blue. There was a reason for it. And the reason was not only just something like that we had problems in school or family. The problem is the life itself, the being itself simply is unbearable. So we fill it with all drugs, alcohol, gambling, consumerism and crazy sexual behavior. And let's be frank here - it helps into some extent and as time goes on, it helps less and less or the destruction is visible.
I am not as much theoretical here as it seems. Few years ago I made decent money and moved into middle of nowhere in Brazil from an European city. And one can see there, during rainy days without internet and electricity, the whole funny game. People believe in some nice, clean, healthy things as children, then they suddenly change their mind as teenagers, go and absorb all the ****. Then they come back and say, ok now I will be healthy, so they are healthy, but then suddenly they go and do the bad things again. Back and forth. It has a reason. Simply ontological and existencial uncertainity is too much of a burden.
And that is my only point that is unfortunatelly hard to explain and that is what Dan wrote: it is not good to expect that doing the right (healthy) thing will make us happier. If one stops drinking for example and I pushed few people into it in "my private Brazilian detox", they become more sensitive. But it is wrong to suggest that sensitive people, especially in this world, are happier. The oppose is true. This life is ****. We all make money from gamblers. It is hard to be happy living, when you know your money is covered with blood (even if we have some nice excuses, that it was their own choice and blah blah blah). [I do not think it is much different in other economical areas, for example that it is better to promote McDonald or Airlines than casino, but that is not the idea I want to tell.] So when you for example stop drinking or even smoking, this feeling of the world - of the real world - is the biggest problem and it was also the original cause why one started to live unhealthy (or his parents did and gave him the habit, it does not matter).
My point is: yes it is good to live less like a pig and I am trying hard, but do not expect too much. The people who did, replapsed hard. The question here is: if you want to live healthier life, are you ready to feel worse (not about yourself, but about the world around; because finally you do not care about yourself as much as before when you had your own tiny problems)?
If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.
9 days now, starting to feel better and more productive.
Tennis is fun. But difficult to do right.
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Renee (12 August 2014)
after letting myself go over the past year and battering the booze all summer I am now on the wagon and back training
This is the 13th day I havent drank alcohol and apart from 2 days that are planned I wont be drinking until I go Iceland for a weekend on September 12th.
Back running and cycling, did 2 4 mile runs this week, a 23 mile bike ride and a 5 mile dog walk, more running next week then Im going back to the gym as well. Hopefully keep this up till Christmas as feel a lot better already
did my furthest run today 4.37 miles in 48 minutes, felt really good today doing it, getting back to a half decent level of base fitness. burn some more fat off then back to the gym to smash the weights again, hopefully in 2 weeks
I am trying the "everything in moderation" and work out a few times a week. Seems to be doing the trick.
Can DO attitude, and anything can happen!
Stay Positive!
Results don't happen in a week or two![]()
Renee (12 August 2014)
Oh wow! Just saw this thread and Im very pleased to see so many in a similar situation to me!Thanks to thebookiesoffers for bringing it up again!
I am trying to get back into shape and build muscle after a pregnancy so this is a daily topic for me, and not an easy one when you spend hours in front of the computer. Not to mention the whole eating and diet shake up that goes with it...
I did Insanity but it didnt help me build muscle, so now Im doing occasional P90X3s and ZumbaA happy balance
Im also doing a 30 day challenge of 50 push ups a day. Im on day 7 at the moment and what I have learned is that its amazing how much I manage to put it off during the day... Anyone else want to join for the 30 day challenge?![]()
Here is my entry for today: https://www.gpwa.org/forum/blogs/renee/comp-prep-update-13-08-880/
Renee, Affiliate Program Manager
Affiliate Program for CasinoRewards.com
Best Affiliate Manager - CAP Awards 2008
Best Casino Affiliate Manager - CAP Awards 2009
Best Casino Affiliate Manager - iGB Affiliate Awards 2010
Renee, Affiliate Program Manager
Affiliate Program for CasinoRewards.com
Best Affiliate Manager - CAP Awards 2008
Best Casino Affiliate Manager - CAP Awards 2009
Best Casino Affiliate Manager - iGB Affiliate Awards 2010
Renee, Affiliate Program Manager
Affiliate Program for CasinoRewards.com
Best Affiliate Manager - CAP Awards 2008
Best Casino Affiliate Manager - CAP Awards 2009
Best Casino Affiliate Manager - iGB Affiliate Awards 2010
I'm not really sure how insanity is supposed to work, but I would expect that since it's so intense it is more for fat burning than building muscle. I would also expect that unless you follow the diet given, you're not likely to see the results they push. This is my guess though as I haven't really looked into it much, just heard what people have said about it.
P90X is good. I love the ab ripper. It's really a test to see how strong your core is.
A couple of women I know from an exercise group lost their baby weight quite easily doing a program that's pretty big here in Oz. I'd be happy to send it to you if you're interested? It's pretty simple to follow and you won't feel like you're "dieting" with the food.
Renee, Affiliate Program Manager
Affiliate Program for CasinoRewards.com
Best Affiliate Manager - CAP Awards 2008
Best Casino Affiliate Manager - CAP Awards 2009
Best Casino Affiliate Manager - iGB Affiliate Awards 2010
Yea, Insanity seems to be great for fat burning. My problem was (and is as this is the second baby) that I have a baby sucking all energy and fat out of me thanks to breastfeeding so I am skinnier than ever. So in need of muscle... And definitely in need of a new core!I will check out the ab ripper!
Id love to hear what program is big over there though! Its always fun to learn whats going on in different areas of the world. Im in Costa Rica and it seems like whatever is big in the states will be big here.Has the Paleo diet reached you guys already? (Or maybe I am just so far behind that its not a new thing anymore
My gosh... I hope you are feeling better and thank god it didnt turn more serious!! What is the comp you are prepping for?
banged out another 4.19 miles this morning, im getting there. hopefully get out on my bike again tomorrow morning