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  1. #1
    evan23 is offline Brand New Member
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    Angry Fake accounts on casino websites

    Hello to everyone!
    More and more often I see reviews from fake users in online casinos.

    I’d like to know your opinion. What do you think, are these bots or real people?
    And how do I recognise fake users?
    What websites with casino reviews do you trust?

  2. #2
    universal4's Avatar
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    Since most of the Members of the GPWA promote the casinos and review them themselves, I would think that overall they trust their OWN reviews.

    Whether they write their own reviews, or have hired writers and content providers, overall most of them try out the casinos themselves, they discuss the good and the bad of the operators, and most often we discuss which operators are treating players fairly.

    While some sites may contain and publish fake reviews or comments from players that may or may not be fake, it is a problem that will not end and the casino industry is not the only one to suffer this same fate.

    This same thing goes on in travel, hotels, used car dealers, appliances, furniture dealers, and just about any other industry you can think of.


  3. #3
    Sherlock's Avatar
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    The only reviews one can trust (except of people that are personally known) are users on forums. With using maximum brainpower. In short you have to feel story and history of any user that is writing any review. Then all depends how good you are. The better you are in evaluating someone else the better info you get.

    Everything else is marketing or can not be trusted even if it is genuine.
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  4. #4
    gm2891's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evan23 View Post
    Hello to everyone!
    What websites with casino reviews do you trust?
    They have of course their marketing strategy so you can't blindly believe everything they say. But generally, real players have no reason to lie, and if you pay close attention to some their posts it will give you a good understanding of whether the casino is decent or bad. However, if you notice they promote a certain casino and players are happy to play there, it doesn't mean that if you start promoting it will work out for you the same.

  5. #5
    gil.langelaan's Avatar
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    Hi evan23!

    Nice to meet you!

    I'm pretty sure most of these 'reviews' are written by bots.

    About how to recognize it. What is your purpose? Do you need it to understand and prove the casino's trustworthiness or want to implement it on one of your websites and trying to understand whether google recognizes it? I'm just asking. Because the answer would be different in both cases.

    And about websites I trust - only forums. Real users can ask questions, give honest reviews. And you know if you are satisfied with everything you won't leave a review, don't you? But if something was awful I'm pretty sure you will write a bad review.

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    To me, that's always been the issue with 'community' affiliate websites where the reviews are user-generated. You either get 'shill' reviews saying how everything is amazing or moany complaints from genuine users who in most cases just haven't read the bonus ts and cs properly.

    If an affiliate site doesn't write its own reviews, I tend to ignore them.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fortune Palace View Post
    To me, that's always been the issue with 'community' affiliate websites where the reviews are user-generated. You either get 'shill' reviews saying how everything is amazing or moany complaints from genuine users who in most cases just haven't read the bonus ts and cs properly.

    If an affiliate site doesn't write its own reviews, I tend to ignore them.
    That is a general problem with any topics.

    Most people are idiots, so yes, usually it is shills vs. pissed off biased negative reviews.

    You have to look for the right community. In gambling it used to be pros like arbers, who give/gave genuine opinions. But no bettors can make substantial money anymore, so genuine reviews are rare as well.

    In some niches such places do not exist, e.g. crypto is such a mess.
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  8. #8
    mediapartner is offline Public Member
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    unfortunately we live in a world in which everything revolves around money. Therfore 99% of all content on the internet can not be fully trusted. Sites like trustpilot and askgamblers all have a earning-model build around the companies they list. So, most of the casinos pay to get listed or to get positive reviews and lots of negative feedback gets removed even if it are genuine complaints.

    Even GPWA does this. lots of casinos that gets promoted on this forum purely because they paid money, even while half of these casinos are terrible to say the least...

    And yes lots of real people only write a review in case they run into trouble...most of the times it isnt even the fault of the casino but indeed a matter of not reading the terms fully by the players themselves. Secondly there are tons of casinos that pay people to write fake positive reviews...its all a big mess. So, there isnt really a perfect solution for the perfect review site in my opinion...

    And same with affiliates like us. Most only write reviews because they want to promote the specific casino or to target seo related keywords. In both cases they will always write positive reviews as people need to signup and deposit in order to make money for the affiliate. And yes, most off the affiliates do write genuine reviews of shitcasinos they do not want to promote...but thats also a marketing technique to guide them towards the casinos they do want to promote...

    Anyway its easy to point fingers, but we all have our own goals...and money is always key no matter what people say. Nobody does this for free as you need money to survive. So yes, if i get 1000 euro from casinox i will write a positive review even if its not my favorite casino... the only way i dont do it is when its a real scam casino...

    So if i be honest and ask myself: would i play at every casino i promote? the answer is definately no. in real life i only gamble at 1 casino, have been doing that for many years. I would never play at leo vegas for example, just because i do not like this brand personally. At the same time i do promote them telling my customers its a great casino...

    Anyway, long story short...i find it quite hard to give a good answer to what a good review is and when it can be trusted. Thats because almost nobody in the world is fully independent anymore even if some say they are...
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    Nobody was ever independent. Now we are just starting to realise that.

    Yet there are a lot of good advices around. It is the same as reading media. They are indeed all bribed, so they have some agenda, but in between there is a lot of useful infomation to be found.

    Take or even worse Russian propaganda. They write a lot of interesting things (e.g. Slavoj Zizek's essays). They in fact try to bring useful info, because their propaganda is too blatant. So to read this one has to understand how the platform is biased and make adjustments.

    Even at Trustpilot is not everything faked, even when the site is horrible.

    At affiliate sites one should consider the top positions all fake. The fraud section however should be taken a bit seriously. Same is with everything.

    Even thinking that something ever was NOT fake is childish. We live, therefore we manipulate. SEO itself, even the "white" is pure manipulation. The ones who manipulate the best not only make the money. They have something better: they can see the truth. Because not money, but real information, is the only asset that exists.

    The ideal world where we can read truth, trust each other etc. makes no sense. It is a fairy-tale that is 100% necessary, so ordinary people dream about it, trust the system, work and pay taxes. But the real elite knows that such word does not exist and the real work is to ine thr truth from all the sh1t around.

    The problem that is emerging now is that more and more people start to figure out that the lies are everywhere and they start to seek the truth. But they do not have the endurance. They demand the truth without effort. So they pretend they are "red pilled", because they read Zero Hedge or whatever else, while they are just victimes or another and even more crazy lies.

    The truth has always price and the price is adequate to the value of the infomation. So if you believe in something, if you think you own the truth, always ask yourself how much you paid for it. Because if you did not pay the price or the price was too low, very likely you believe in some nonsense.
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    Quote Originally Posted by evan23 View Post
    Hello to everyone!
    What websites with casino reviews do you trust?
    I trust no one!

    When I search google for casino reviews I usually get top search results from the same old bunch of BS sites.

    I'm doing a new project now and it seems that 90% of the information is outdated, false and misleading (at best).

    What a farce!!!

  13. #11
    PROFRBcom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sherlock View Post
    So they pretend they are "red pilled", because they read Zero Hedge or whatever else, while they are just victimes or another and even more crazy lies.
    Always hating on ZH.

    I wish more people read it. They might learn something about the world, particularly the financial world. I do miss the days when it was purely financial news that you couldn't find anywhere else though.... lots of politics on ZH now, but then again, better info in the comments

  14. #12
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    I read it. But omg, the comments...

    As I am ironic towards USA, the idea how it was created was brilliant one: we know states will sooner or later oppress the citizens. Therefore the citizens should be ready to fight against it with weapons. So far so good.

    But now the weapons are not (just) guns, but also the information and privacy itself. And even worse, nobody wants to fight.

    So ZH comments are the hive of conspiracies where - at least from distance from someone who never has been to USA - it is obvious that this reflects just the impotency of the ZH visitors.

    Therefore ZH is the worst. It is like a club of pensioners who are just waiting for death by card game and talk about the good times when they were young. They are able to imagine the good times but they are even less able to do anything. Or the old women who are spending money with plastic chirurgy.

    I hear the argument that something is coming. For many years.So far came more censorship, more QE, more laws about compliance, corona etc... Those ZH people need the hope as gamblers or anyone else. But nothing revolutionary/back to the roots is coming and especially not this way.

    It is intellectual ludditism there. Instead of focusing on new hard real possibilities those people spend their life energy on something so stupid like battle against something irrelevant as vaccines.

    What is needed is bravery and real solitude. Bravery is not coming from sharing revolutionary ideas like in Hollywood movie. That is in fact the most counterproductive thing.

    To tell it even more clearly: ZH (and other zillions of conspiracies) are the real middleclass mainstream now.
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