“We welcome the Irish Government’s commitment to introducing gambling regulation during its lifetime”, says Conor Grant, Chief Executive Officer of Flutter UK & I.“But gambling operators must act responsibly without being required to do so.”
“We recognise that gambling has undergone a technological transformation over the past two decades. The influence of the smartphone, social media, and on-demand streaming has been profound. We understand that legislating for these developments is complex and may take some time.”
“We have decided to introduce several measures, well in advance of the legislation, to enhance the effectiveness of our safer gambling policies in Ireland.”
“There is an extensive range of safer gambling measures already in place in our Irish business,” says Grant. “There are clear benefits if these or similar measures were to be adopted market wide in Ireland. We have not always got it right as an industry and we must ensure collectively that we are doing all we can to prevent problem gambling. The reality is that protection and promotion measures will continue to evolve over time and new measures will need to be considered to promote moderation, safety and enjoyment in this era of digital gambling.”