If you are looking for ideas here are some.
First and foremost write to your politicians....not just once but repeatedly, weekly or twice a week if you have to. If you can find just one politician who would speak on your behalf, than I think part of your battle will be won
Write to newspaper editors..those columns where people get to speak thier minds. Prove the skill vs luck and show what is good about
poker not the bad
PR it has been recieving. Tell people about how the law was passed and how this violates peoples rights to freedom, there are still people who may not have heard whats going on. Be it they may not play
poker but there sure are a hell of alot of advocates for these types of issues.
I do believe that the pros should be speaking out, write to them ask them what they are going to do to try and help this situation because in turn it does affect them whether directly or indirectly. These are some of the main people I think would have a really big sway in others minds on the topic of skill (Example I seen Negraneau last night on tv...local news station... with a bunch of amateurs and he showed them that based on thier play he could call out thier cards and he did. He knew exactly what they were holding. This is not luck) I am sure a interview on a prime time show would be tons of publicity, showing thousands upon thousands of Americans what thier country can do, and the sneaky ways it can be done.Plus they always like to discuss topics like this. Having pros discuss issues at hand on the sports channel is not going to get the message out far enough
Ask the
poker rooms, they can't agree with this seeing as they lost a huge portion of thier revenue. They must have a way of helping. Since they promote many US players, Stars, Fulltilt, and they seem to like the revenue they generate from US players they should be able to do something to help.
Start your own group (instead of just the PPA) to fight this. I am quite sure this can be done very easily with the use of blogs and will gain in popularity as word spreads.
This might be way off but maybe look for someone who specializes in areas of regulation and see if it is possible to taxing it and coming up with a plan on doing so that is feasable, than show the politicians that "hey we have a solution that meets both of our needs her you go"