Niagara Falls will be the place to be on the 27-30th of August 2010.
That is when this year's CBG (Casino Bonus Guy) Affiliate Weekend event is taking place!
Information about booking a hotel room is available on the website
Room rates increase after August 13th, so if you want to attend, book your room now and save! And you'll want to stay in the official hotel since, because of legal liability considerations, that is a requirement to participate in the free bar with pretty much unlimited free alcohol.
Since this is a private event, you also need to register on the website to participate! Please visit the Registration Page.
Big news for this year is that part of the weekend will be sessions on Saturday and Sunday by SEO guru Leslie Carruthers who is the President of Background information on her presentation is available on the SEO Speaker Page on the CBG Affiliate Weekend website. They'll also be some other sessions as well, as I know I've been invited to talk again this year.
A big thanks to casinobonusguy for putting together this wonderful weekend. Personally, I'm really looking forward to it.
More information is available in the thread CBGAFFILIATEWEEKEND.COM -*Update*.
I hope to see many of you there!