Hi everyone,
I could really use your honest opinions of my website. I have never had so much fun working before. Now if I could just make some money at it.
email me at; Support@Jadecasinos.com
Hi everyone,
I could really use your honest opinions of my website. I have never had so much fun working before. Now if I could just make some money at it.
email me at; Support@Jadecasinos.com
I like it, nice content. It loads a bit slowly, but so does mine.
Hi Jimm,
I've taken a very quick look at your site's homepage. Couple of things I noticed:
You have some good graphics on your site I would display them more prominent and maybe move the disclaimer to another page. Also maybe a couple of adds in a prominent spot
The nav code at the left takes up a lot of html. You might want to consider reducing it or move it to the right. Always good to have content near the top (in the source) for se's
You have a white text on a black background table on a white background page. I'm not sure but I've read some SE's can mistake that for white text on a white background page which is hidden text (could lead to SE penalties)
Nice Site Jimm. Keep up the good work
"What goes up must come down."