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Good news IMO if it really does happen.
Some of the articles I have been reading on this suggest that google should stay within China. It is a diificult market to function within, as the history of google shows. However, it is a large market to ignore, or bypass. Shouldn 't google be trying to find ways of working together with tose in China that oppose them to fnd ways of functioning, which both parties can accept?
By not doing so, is google leaving a door open for competitors to try and take advanatage of?
[FONT=Arial]Laura Bent
Latest news indicates that Google will move their servers and domain name to Hong Kong, but keep their development and sales staff on mainland China. now redirects to
It seems like Google will not kowtow to the censorship wishes of the Chinese government, and will stay until they are forced out. Good move in many ways, I think. From a business and an ethical standpoint.
Being a large market and a viable market are two entirely different things. If Google's business model won't hold up under the constraints of the Chinese system, it could be more of a loss in the long beating your head against a wall.
Repression is still a fact of life in China, and control over eveything is the first thing, not the last thing, that the govt is inclined to do.
Even the "so called" free countries are moving more to try to suppress freedom of the internet, so the tide in China is not likely to turn there first.
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One reason amongst many is the Chinese Government would not cease hacking into their citizens gmail accounts. Censorship another reason and maybe for U.S security reasons to list a few extras.
Basically, it has been quite a while that Google was dragging up its losses occured in investing
In China, the most used and surfed search engine is, which could never compete. Thatz one of the reason google have to move out and second was the continuous pressure of the government to limit their searches.
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I have to say that I haven't read too much about this, but was wondering if someone from China could maybe make a video demonstration on how things are censored through the internet?
For example, do a search on google for something that is censored.. I'm interested to see what happens..
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What happens when you visit one of those sites?
Can you post a screen shot?
Renee, Affiliate Program Manager
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Here is your answer in the video :
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Renee (7 April 2010)