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  1. #1
    bb1web's Avatar
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    Default Is Govt Responsible For Tornado In Joplin? It was Predicted!

    This is pretty scary stuff.

    Sure we read or hear about crazy claims of what HAARP is doing, (a US created frankenstien which has counterparts in Russia and I think elsewhere) but I never would have thought it to go so far.

    anyway this guy has found a way to spot an early warning method of where the weather is aimed to strike, and he predicted the one in Joplin Missouri that killed a bunch of people and did major damage.

    There is much more to this if you research it. Also look up chemtrails, something that is or should be concern to people all over the globe because it is reported to be happening all over the globe.

    I suppose it could be said that guessing a bad tornado in Joplin isn't that far out of the ability to make an educated guess because its in tornado alley but on the same note this guy predicted the tornados in Seattle and some down in Georgia/along that coast area.

    Those are not places you would ever expect to see a tornado yet he predicted it competently using radar and pointing out what he termed as being "HAARP rings".

    It is hard to think someone would intentionally cause this to happen but it is harder to not believe that is the case when someone so accurately predicts the instances.
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    GamTrak's Avatar
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    Steve, it's only because I know you're legally not crazy that I will even click the link. LOL Now is not a good time, but I'll be sure to atleast check it out.

    My only question before hand is do you think that the gov't is responsible for the tornado in Joplin?

    This reminds me of my hubby trying to get me to read the site End of America 13. Seems that guy is only out to sell something.

  3. #3
    Gabriel_LCP's Avatar
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    I wonder how legit it really is! But very interesting indeed! Who is this guy talking in the video??

  4. #4
    arkyt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel_LCP View Post
    I wonder how legit it really is! But very interesting indeed! Who is this guy talking in the video??
    Uh oh this is going to get me into trouble - talking conspiracy theories - LMAO - how fun. Anyway HAARP is very much the real deal - I hadnt heard about HAARP rings showing up on radar, but I have heard plenty about HAARP and what it is capable of doing. Actually first heard about it last year on a show hosted by Jesse Ventura (former MN governor) called "conspiracy theories" ... Have also heard about chemtrails which may work in conjunction with HAARP. Not exactly sure what the intent is (that entails additional theories) but I wouldnt doubt that the US gov is in fact creating a lot of this weather chaos!

    If is onto anything and they are actually seeing "HAARP rings" then there might be another tornado outbreak within the next 24-48 hours - we shall see.

  5. #5
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    No - It's absolute rubbish. The closest to a match would best be described as predicting a tornado in tornado alley during storm season.

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    Quote Originally Posted by arkyt View Post
    Not exactly sure what the intent is (that entails additional theories) but I wouldnt doubt that the US gov is in fact creating a lot of this weather chaos!
    Well If that is what's happening then I'm sure it's led by Boehner & McConnell so that they can slam Obama for giving them aide for the disaster!

    Call me naive, but I don't think our government would do this, they do stuff like take away our online gambling rights and deny folks to make a living off it. lol

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGooner View Post
    No - It's absolute rubbish.
    You sound pretty confident - how much do you know about HAARP?

    There is plenty out there on HAARP and its capabilities - I sure wouldn't be so quick to say that they are absolute rubbish.

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    It is pseudo-babble not scientific facts.

    The "reasoning" is jargonistic babble that does not hold a semblance of truth spouted by the non-technical for the benefit of conspiracy theorists.
    None of the reasoning stands even a cursory examination of the facts.

    There is also plenty of info out there on weirdness such as how NASA never reached the moon, how the US government was behind 9/11, how Obama is not a US citizen, how the Maya know that the end of the world is 2012, how aliens live amongst us, and how the Illuminati run international finance.

    It does not make ANY of it true. The internet is full of mis-information. HAARP is another example.

    The only small redeeming feature of the HAARP allegation is that the technical quality of the videos making it entertaining.

  10. #9
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    FYI if anyone is worried about being in a tornado or attacked by the government via a tornado then this is a good article to atleast do something.

    How to Build a Tornado Safe Room.

    So you have assessed your risk and decided to build a tornado safe room, also simply called safe room or storm room.

    A storm room is a wise investment. They are relatively inexpensive, typically ranging from $2,500 to $5,000, a small price to pay for the safety and well-being of your family and most precious and important belongings. And depending on where you live, you may even be eligible for tax credits and/or insurance discounts!

    But there are many types of storm rooms-- many designs and many different types of materials used to construct them.

    Some specifications that should be common to all storm rooms are as follows:

    --The room must not have any windows
    --The room should not be constructed in a flood zone or storm surge zone
    --All surfaces of the room should be able to withstand winds of up to 250 mph and windborne projectiles
    --The room's door should open inward to assure easy opening after the storm in the case that fallen debris blocks door face
    --The room should be anchored securely to a concrete foundation to resist overturning or uplifting

    Keeping those common designs in mind, here are some additional steps to help you determine how to build your own personal storm room.

    Read more: How to Build a Tornado Safe Room |

  11. #10
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    Kind of troubling indeed but I agree with Robin that the idea of your Govt. doing this would be a bit far fetched (although they've been doing some pretty nasty stuff).

    I can see that opinions are pretty much evenly divided between those who find it plausible and those who don't.

    Personally I've not been giving HAARP much attention but I will definitely look deeper into this now.
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