We appreciate reports of issues that folks observe. This may take us a little time to get right because the upgrade is a major one, but we will get it right.
So far known issues we are working on include the following in priority order.
1. Issues replying to replying to posts (there are a few of them it appears). In terms replies producing quoted replies, until we have that fixed a temporary work-around is to delete the quoted material before composing your reply.
2. Thanks data was not migrated and glitches with thanks functioning. It would appear that the thanks data was not migrated as part of the migration process. We still have all of the old thanks data so we should be able to migrate that data so the information is retained. It is possible we might loose any thanks done on the new system at the time we perform the migration of the old data from the previous system.
3. Repeated "Registered users currently logged in" text in the what's going on block.
4. Pulldown navigation issues with IE 9 beta.
We will also be monitoring performance and operation of the new system to identify any issues on that front.
GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates: iGamingDirectory.com, iGamingAffiliatePrograms.com, GamingMeets.com
We have reproduced the following two issues replying to posts and will be working on fixes to them:
1. The "Reply to Thread" buttons on a forum thread incorrectly quote the last reply on the page with the button. No previous reply should be quoted when using this function.
2. At the botton right of each post in a thread there are buttons to "reply" and to "reply with quote". The reply button does not work, although the reply with quote button does work.
I made this reply using the "quick reply" function, so at least for me that function is working fine.
GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates: iGamingDirectory.com, iGamingAffiliatePrograms.com, GamingMeets.com
Just wanted to add:
Today i had a new private message, which i actually already got and replied to yesterday !
Also in my profile, when i click on "find all posts by RBS" i just get all threads instead of all posts !
And i also think my latest posts are gone !
We made a backup of the vBulletin database around 8am EST yesterday. It is that copy of the database that was migrated to vBulletin 4.0. Any private message functions performed after that time on the old vBulletin system are not reflected in the current vBulletin 4.0 system.
We had tried to fully shut down the system yesterday, leaving it available for forum browsing only. However, vBulletin does not have a way to turn off the ability to send private messages, which we would have done if we were able. So there was a loophole that hopefully did not affect to many folks in terms of disabling actions that would not be migrated to the new system.
GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates: iGamingDirectory.com, iGamingAffiliatePrograms.com, GamingMeets.com
Yes, I can see that is the case. Thanks for letting us know - we will get it fixed.
In the meantime, it is still possible to find all of your posts. You need to use the advanced search link at the top of the GPWA home page. From there you need to click on "search by type" which is located at the far right of the heading line that says advanced search. Once you have done that you can 1) select a search type of posts, 2) enter your user name to find your posts or the name of any other user whose posts you would like to see, and 3) at the bottom of the screen select "Show results as posts". You can then see the information you are after. Certainly a bit clunky compared with just clicking the link.
GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates: iGamingDirectory.com, iGamingAffiliatePrograms.com, GamingMeets.com
Nice work GPWA, like the auto quick reply setting enabled too. One less keyclick to do!
"People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity." ~Andrew Carnegie~
Noticed the hide forums buttons are missing. Is this a bug or a perm fixture. Myself, I find there are too many forums, so I normally hide 50% of them to avoid scrolling.
*do like the go to last post button on the main forum
It is a little of both. We were having trouble getting it to work properly so we disabled it on a temporary basis to move forward with the migration because we were not sure whether it was used much or not. We do have it down as a feature that we need to figure out how to restore, and the fact that is has been noticed means that we will treat it as an important feature to restore.
GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates: iGamingDirectory.com, iGamingAffiliatePrograms.com, GamingMeets.com
I will agree with KasinoKing, I don't particularly care for the new look....
Also, quotes now do not stand out as well as they did before....
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GPWA Moderation by Me and My Big Bad Security Self
If an affiliate program is not small affiliate friendly (especially small US Affiliate), then they are NOT Affiliate Friendly!
I performed an edit of a post and it never did save my changes....I waited more than 3 minutes for the save but it never completed.
But by clicking the advanced edit I saw the changes were already there and I could then save the changes and it saved immediately.
I have been replying using the standard reply to thread button, but it is annoying that the previous message is automatically quoted I am gonna check to see if this has been set in my control panel by default as I think that is un-necessary as quotes should only be used when the poster thinks it is needed.
Gambling World Online Roulette Online Blackjack Live Online Games Sports Betting Horse Racing
Casino Affiliate Programs
Hosting and Domain Names
Gambling Industry Association
GPWA Moderation by Me and My Big Bad Security Self
If an affiliate program is not small affiliate friendly (especially small US Affiliate), then they are NOT Affiliate Friendly!
That issue has been documented and reproduced by our development staff and is one of three issues we have identified as being most critical to fix.
And that is the second of the issues that we have identified as most critical to fix. The third is that the reply button associated with a specific post (as opposed the the one you reference for the thread) does not currently work.
GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates: iGamingDirectory.com, iGamingAffiliatePrograms.com, GamingMeets.com
GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates: iGamingDirectory.com, iGamingAffiliatePrograms.com, GamingMeets.com
Renee (16 January 2011)
I checked the control panel and I do not see where I can turn off the quotes by default...(unless I missed it)
This of course will make threads much MUCH longer since almost all posts will be quoted by the hundreds daily....
Gambling World Online Roulette Online Blackjack Live Online Games Sports Betting Horse Racing
Casino Affiliate Programs
Hosting and Domain Names
Gambling Industry Association
GPWA Moderation by Me and My Big Bad Security Self
If an affiliate program is not small affiliate friendly (especially small US Affiliate), then they are NOT Affiliate Friendly!
Another issue, although much more minor, upon finishing reading of the posts today I wanted to mark them as all read since many forums were not switching to read although I had completed them.
I found the "mark forums read" button (hidden in the drop down) and clicked on the button to do so and got the following error.
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was invalid.
Gambling World Online Roulette Online Blackjack Live Online Games Sports Betting Horse Racing
Casino Affiliate Programs
Hosting and Domain Names
Gambling Industry Association
GPWA Moderation by Me and My Big Bad Security Self
If an affiliate program is not small affiliate friendly (especially small US Affiliate), then they are NOT Affiliate Friendly!
GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates: iGamingDirectory.com, iGamingAffiliatePrograms.com, GamingMeets.com
I have reproduced the security token error issue and have added it to the list of issues that need to be addressed. I have also noted that there may be an issue with forums being marked as having been read, although I have not yet tried to duplicate or track down that issue.
GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates: iGamingDirectory.com, iGamingAffiliatePrograms.com, GamingMeets.com