I'm very pleased to report the twenty first issue of the GPWA Times Magazine is back from the printer and is being distributed at the iGaming Super Show in Dublin this week, and will also mailed out to all of our members who have provided us with a mailing address (see details below to make sure we mail you a copy).

GPWA Times Magazine - Fifth Anniversary Issue Cover

21 is a very nice number. In blackjack, of course, it's a natural. In New York it's a legendary watering hole. In many parts of the world it's how old you have to be be to drink or gamble - It signifies that you've come of age. And in publishig, to be bringing out the 21st issue of a magazine - any magazine - is an absolute rarity. But here it is - the 21st GPWA Times Magazine - and by the way, it's also our 5th Anniversay Issue as well!

For our cover story, Vin Narayanan spoke with five industry heavy hitters to get their take on the fallout from Black Friday along with their predictions on where the U.S. is likely to go from here. Weighing in are Poker Players Alliance Executive Director John Pappas, Foxwoods Development Executive Director of Business Development Anshu Kalhan, California attorney and industry legal expert Martin Owens, Shuffle Master CSO Lou Castle and Innovation Group COO Kimberly Arnold.

You also won't want to miss the encore appearance of some of our all-time-favorite photos taken over the past five years, Jeremy Enke's tips for affiliates on monetizing their online communities, Lorren Pilling on the online opportunities presented by state lotteries, Sinead Lambert on why Euro 2012 will surpass World Cup 2010 among punters and Paul Reilly's jaundiced look at Google's "notice of detected unnatural links."

This issue features five new affiliate interviews: dfiocch from Rome, Muppet from Syndey, northern who grew up in Vancouver and now lives in Budapest, thepogg from Edinburgh, and Tony from Greece who now lives in Toronto. We also have three affiliate manager interviews - Andan Maslo of ComeOn! earn, Davin Jacobson of Euro Partners, and Yondi Sidi of Winner Affiliates.

And there are the usual Departments - webmaster news, numbers, notable quotes, and updated list of GPWA sponsors, the APCW Wall of Shame and our calendar of upcoming industry happenings.

How to Subscribe

Of course, if you are not able to pick up a copy in person at the iGaming Super Show in Dubline, we would be more than happy to mail you a copy. If you are already registered on the GPWA site, then to subscribe to the GPWA Times Magazine just click on the "Edit My Details" option under the "My Account" menu bar navigation item (you need to be logged in for this option to be available). If you fill in your mailing address information in your profile, we will mail a copy of the magazine to you and we'll also include some prior issues if we have not already sent you them. If you are not already registered on the GPWA website, then just click the "Join GPWA" link above the navigation bar, and follow the "Register Now" link on that page, being sure to provide your mailing address when you register.

We will be mailing out the new issue next week, so be sure to add or update your information by the end of this week to be included in next week's mailing.

Once you enter your mailing address you will automatically receive future issues.

UPDATE: All past issues of the GPWA Times Magazine are now available online. Just click on the following link to see the twenty first issue:

