I'm very pleased to report the seventeenth issue of the GPWA Times Magazine will be mailed out next week and will be available at the Barcelona Affiliate Conference in Spain the 8-11th of September and at the European iGaming Congress and Expo in Milan the 22-22nd of September.
GPWA Times Magazine - Seventeenth Issue Cover
The fallout from Black Friday is still with us. In this issue Vin Narayanan and Aaron Todd give updates on what's been happening over the past few months, and Jeremy Enke shares some ideas for what webmasters can do about it.
Our cover story, by Aaron Todd, examines the phenomenal growth of live streaming as online sportsbooks develop and expand live sporting event coverage on a scale that makes Vegas sportsbooks look primitive by comparison. What does this mean for you? How about increased revenue!
Also in this issue: Louis Deering of Income Access shows us how to structure our data analysis so as to avoid information overload (or "filter failure"); Connie Burstin extols the benefits that come when affiliates and affiliate managers "play nice" together; Sinead Lambert shares with us some of the stats that are tracked by OLBG.com and explains why knowing stats of this type will help you accurately determine how and whom you should be promoting; James Lowery takes a look at Google's Panda update to their ranking algorithm; and Vin Narayanan analyzes the condition of online gambling in France more than a year after it was regulated.
This issue features five new affiliate interviews: GaGaGirl from California who lives in Sweden now, theGman who splits his time between London and Turkey, Zoorana from Singapore and now living in Buenos Aires, 3jokers of Stockholm, and pokerbanter of Scotland. We also have an interview with Sivan Kaspi of Rummy Affiliates.
We also have photos from the Ireland including the Fairway Charity Golf Tournament, the iGaming Super Show, and Calvin Ayre's wild 50th birthday party plus Niagara Falls at the CBG Affiliate Weekend.
Of course, if you are not able to pick up a copy in person at the Barcelona Affiliate Conference or the European iGaming Congress and Expo in Milan, we would be more than happy to mail you a copy. If you are already registered on the GPWA site, then to subscribe to the GPWA Times Magazine just click on the "Edit My Details" option under the "My Account" menu bar navigation item (you need to be logged in for this option to be available). If you fill in your mailing address information in your profile, we will mail a copy of the magazine to you and we'll also include some prior issues if we have not already sent you them. If you are not already registered on the GPWA website, then just click the "Join GPWA" link above the navigation bar, and follow the "Register Now" link on that page, being sure to provide your mailing address when you register.
We will be mailing out the new issue next week, so be sure to add or update your information by the end of this week to be included in next week's mailing.
Once you enter your mailing address you will automatically receive future issues.
UPDATE: All past issues of the GPWA Times Magazine are now available online. Just click on the following link to see the seventeenth issue: