I'm very pleased to report the twenty eighth issue of the GPWA Times Magazine is now available online and will also be available at the Online Bingo Summit and at Bingo World, both taking place in May. We will also be mailing this issue out to our members in a couple weeks (together with the previous issue and the iGaming Pocket directory), so you have a couple weeks to provide us with your mailing address if you would like a hard copy (see details below to make sure we mail you a copy).
In this issue's two-part cover story on bingo, Joe Turner offers SEO tips for bingo affiliates and Dan Podheiser investigates of bingo television advertisements in the UK and possible changes in what is legally allowed
Also in this issue, Vin Naranayan "deconstructs" Andy Abbound's arguments for banning online gaming in the U.S., Allen Petrilli shows affiliates and affiliate managers how to work better together by using data, Aaron Todd tells us why more and more people in our industry are learning to love Bitcoin, and Dan explains why Derby-Jackpot has attracted thousands of new and returning players to bet on a horse race or two.
This issue features five interviews with GPWA affiliates: AceHigh Pino from Texas who now lives in Arizona, A_Skywalker from Bulgaria, jenniferlynn of British Columbia who lives in Vancouver, Planet Mark from the UK whose new orbit is in Budapest, and PokerTrip, a Texan who has journeyed to Vegas. We also have an in-depth interview with poker affiliate manager Alex Smith of bet365.
Inside you'll also find a pictorial overview of what went on at the annual Fire and Ice party, the iGB affiliate awards, and the LAC opening and closing parties and show floor. Plus notable news and quotes, an event calendar, a discussion from the GPWA forums on keeping affiliates current, and our warm Wall of Shame welcome to Senator Lindsey Graham.
You can see the complete twenty eighth issue of the GPWA Times Magazine online
now in our new online flip book format. Just follow this link:
GPWA Times Magazine - Issue 28.
How to Subscribe
Of course, if you were not able to pick up a copy in person at the conferences we are more than happy to mail you a copy. If you are already registered on the GPWA site, then to subscribe to the GPWA Times Magazine just click on the "Edit My Details" option under the "My Account" menu bar navigation item (you need to be logged in for this option to be available). If you fill in your mailing address information in your profile, we will mail a copy of the magazine to you and we'll also include some prior issues if we have not already sent you them. If you are not already registered on the GPWA website, then just click the "Join GPWA" link above the navigation bar, and follow the "Register Now" link on that page, being sure to provide your mailing address when you register.
We will be mailing out the new issue at the end of the month, so be sure to add or update your information by the end of next week to be included in this issue's mailing.
Once you enter your mailing address you will automatically receive future issues.