I'm very pleased to report the 34th issue of the GPWA Times Magazine is now available online and is currently being distributed at the International Casino Exhibition (ICE) Totally Gaming conference currently taking place in London, and at the London Affiliate Conference (LAC) later this week. This issue will also be mailed out to our members, so please be sure to provide us with your mailing address if you would like a hard copy (see details below to make sure we mail you a copy).
The cover story for this issue presents a case for marketing to millennials, something both affiliates and operators should be considering as the newest generation of potential casino players matures.
Other stories include Mike Litson's tips on how to get your site's SEO as fit as a fiddle in 2016; Stefanie Stich's inside look at the numbers from the 2015 Women's World Cup at bet-at-home.com, which provide a blueprint for affiliate success in promoting betting opportunities for women's sporting events; and Lorien Pilling's attempt to decipher whether all the mergers and acquisitions we've been seeing actually solve the underlying issues facing the industry.
This issue also features five affiliate and two affiliate manager interviews. The affiliates are fxdiamond from Portugal, whichbingo and PokerSpnsor2-0 from the U.K., Blasco from Poland, and lkxzpowq from Russia) are informative and entertaining. The affiliate managers are for two of our newest sponsors: Rachel Morgan of Affvantage and James Boran of mFortune Partners.
Inside you'll get a lot of good info when you look through our Departments including Quotables, Webmaster News, By the Numbers, Event Calendar, From the GPWA Forums, our Photo Gallery from Berlin, the Sponsors roster, and this issue's APCW Wall of Shame.
You can see the complete 34th issue of the GPWA Times Magazine online now on the new GPWAtimes.org website. Just follow this link:
GPWA Times Magazine - Issue 34.
How to Subscribe
Of course, if you were not able to pick up a copy in person at the conferences we are more than happy to mail you a copy. If you are already registered on the GPWA site, then to subscribe to the GPWA Times Magazine just click on the "My Magazine Subscription" option under the "My Account" menu bar navigation item (you need to be logged in for this option to be available) on the GPWA.org website. Just fill in your mailing address information and we will mail a copy of the magazine to you and we'll also include some prior issues if we have not already sent you them. If you are not already registered on the GPWA website, then just click the "Join GPWA" link above the navigation bar, and follow the "Register Now" link on that page, being sure to visit the "My Magazine Subscription" page once you have registered.
We will be mailing out the new issue in the near future, so be sure to add or update your information by the end of next week to be included in this issue's mailing.
Once you enter your mailing address you will automatically receive future issues.