I'm pleased to announce the digital edition of the 51th issue of the GPWA Times Magazine is now available online.
Hard copies of this new issue are on their way to Malta for SiGMA Europe (15-19 November). The GPWA will be at stand B96 at SiGMA, so if you will be there, please stop by and say hello and pick up a copy of the new issue. If you would like to receive a hard copy in the mail, please be sure to provide your mailing address (see more details at the end of this announcement).
GPWA Times Magazine – Fifty-First Issue Cover
The new issue's cover story is written by iGaming consultant Christina Thakor-Rankin, who breaks down some of the obstacles and opportunities that lie ahead in the near future for affiliates in the evolving iGaming market. Also in this issue, Lorien Pilling from Global Betting and Gaming Consultants writes about the increased demand for crypto-gambling sites, while Tom Reaney from Blueclaw Media has an extensive breakdown of Google’s Core Web Vitals.
For the first time since early 2020, we are thrilled to present a photo gallery from a live industry event with images from iGB Live! and iGB Affiliate Amsterdam. We round out our regular departments with sports site rankings from iGamingDirectory.com, a member poll on vaccination requirements and a forum discussion on what's more important: design or content?
We also have new affiliate interviews featuring Steve (GPWA member name chaumi) from the U.K. and Matteo (casino2k) from Milan, Italy. For our affiliate manager interviews, we sit down with Joshua Kelly from bet365 Partners and Anton Petrov from Boomerang Partners.
You can read the new issue online now on the GPWAtimes.org website. Just click on your choice of the inks below:
GPWA Times Magazine - Issue 51 - Direct link to the first page of the magazine; or
GPWA Times Magazine - Issue 51 - Full table of contents with links to articles.
How to Subscribe
If you are already registered on the GPWA site, then just click on the subscription registration link and fill in your mailing address information (you need to be logged in on the GPWA website) and we will mail a copy of the magazine to you. If you are not already registered on the GPWA website, click on the new member registration link first, fill in the information and visit the "My Magazine Subscription" page once you have registered.
Once you enter your mailing address you will automatically receive future issues.
We hope you enjoy the new issue!