I'm very pleased to announce that the GPWA is the three-time winner of the Lou Fabiano Award for Best iGaming Community. We were presented with the 2013 award at the iGB Affiliate Awards ceremony this past Friday in London, last year in 2012, and also at the inaugural ceremony for the award two years ago in 2011.
iGB Affiliate Awards 2013
The Lou Fabiano Award for
Best iGaming Community
As stated at the ceremony "GPWA continues to be informative and provide and offer useful information to new and experienced affiliates. Their forums are extremely busy and they mediate controversial discussions professionally. They are the gold standard in iGaming community discussions and have the highest reputation among the iGaming affiliates communities and programs making them for a [third] year in a row the best iGaming community in the industry. "
I think it is important to note that the judges singled out the GPWA forums as being "extremely busy," and so this award is truly one of which every member should be proud because it is our members that make the community as active and vibrant as it is. We earned it together. Thank you for helping to make the GPWA the award-winning community it is today.