According to last rumors, the new government will present a permanent plan for gambling licenses to the next Eurogroup.
"Among the measures planned to propose the Greek side in the near Eurogroup including market regulation of online gambling (internet betting) in Greece. The government's intention to end the transitional period in which they operate and offer services today are 24 betting companies three years ago made use of these provisions, as was the law in order to join the scheme and continue to offer gambling services in Greek market.
Based on the same information, the government intends to implement an international tender for the granting of licenses to provide gaming services via the internet (as defined in Articles 45 to 48 of n.4002 / 2011 (A 180). The law stipulates that gaming licenses to conduct via the Internet will be provided by the MOF then conduct an international tender, will have a 5-year validity and can be renewed for equal or shorter period by paying additional premium."