I've participated in a number of virtual events over the last year in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. But yesterday was my first personal family online event. My son Steven (who worked for many years with the GPWA and was known here as CityGuard) married. The ceremony itself was recorded as a Facebook live video so family members and Facebook friends could watch as it happened or later. And later in the day there was a wedding reception on Zoom complete with the virtual equivalent of all of the activities that might have taken place at a normal reception to a crowd of several dozen attendees. Toasts, speeches, a picture show down memory lane, a dance between the bride and groom, and even tables (zoom meeting rooms) visited by the bride and groom.
In many ways the event was as touching and memorable as it would have been in person. In a few ways it was better. There were a number of folks that would likely not have been able to attend an in-person event but that were wonderful to "see" and talk with at the wedding reception.
With the holidays coming up, I expect there will be many virtual family gatherings. In the states I know folks that had such events at Thanksgiving, that liked the results, and that want and plan to hold future such events, or to link together portions of separate events into a larger family gathering.
So, for today's poll I ask if you have attended any personal or family events online, if you have any planned, or if you like the idea. Be sure to share your thoughts and any personal experiences in a post in addition to voting in the poll.