So I was getting ready to do some work on my one website and when I went to the site it was down. I forget what error I exactly got but had I not decided to work on that particular site tonight I would have never known it was down. I called Go Daddy and they got everything worked out so it is back up, but how do you know if your website is not working?
Personally I have over 15 websites and a week or two may go by without me ever looking at one of them. I know others on here have multiple websites as well so how do you monitor them to make sure they are up? Other than actually going to the website is there anything that can monitor them and send an alert or email or something if it goes down? Had I not looked it may have stayed down for a few days.
I know GWT will say if a site is down but that may take a day or two before it tells you, and currently my GWT account hasn't updated since 2/7 (no idea why). So is anyone using anything that monitors their websites and lets you know if there is a problem?