Many affiliate programs pay promptly like clockwork. But payments can be delayed for a whole variety of reasons. There can be payment minimums that might take a while to reach. Or, as an affiliate, one may choose to delay payment if the fee that would be deducted for payment processing makes it a good business decision to take payments less frequently. Or there can be other both legitimate and not-so-legitimate reasons payments are delayed. Maybe you have to invoice the program before you are paid, as silly as that might seem, and you don't get around to doing that right away.
Factoring all of these consideration, how long on average do you feel it takes you to collect payment for your affiliate earnings?
Be sure to also share the reasons that contribute, from your perspective, to delays in your receiving payments. Is it deferral due to minimums or to waiting longer to minimize payment processing fees? Is it administrative delays on your end or on the part of affiliate programs? Is it problems with payment processors?