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  1. #1
    talva12 is offline New Member
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    Default are THIVES

    Let me tell you a case I had with Howard and Craig CEO of Jungle-Media

    About 10 month ago I contacted howard and he seemed like an honest guy which came out to be a total fraud. We, as an affiliate network and not only affiliates, paid howard and Craig $900 for 5 players of Make Money traffic. They ran away with the payment and ignored our many many emails

    After 6 months of calling the guy, he was aplogoizing to me and said he'll fix it. Them again, guess what - disappeared.

    In Dublin I met one of his emplyees Ramzi, which said he'll take care of it and then when we came back to our countries he told me that Howard said we already got the players,

    Isn't it sucks?

    Especially in our industry it's important to be homest but with people like howrd, that put a bad rep to our industry it's a shame.

    Be aware of that
    Last edited by universal4; 2 June 2011 at 4:52 pm. Reason: surnames removed for privacy reasons

  2. #2
    AE-Martyn is offline Former AM
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    Not wanting to sounds sarcastic here, but what were you expecting from 5 players ($180 CPA)?

    Or maybe the question is, how many players were you expecting for $900?

  3. #3
    Craig Farley-Jones is offline New Member
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    Default $900

    Hi Tal

    I have spoken with Howard and checked our records and as you know we delivered the traffic at the time. I have a good relationship with my clients in this industry and send traffic as agreed. I am surprised you have the time to bother yourself for such a small about even if i hadn't sent you the traffic, times must be hard Tal.

    anyway I have spoken to all clients and most of them dont know who you are and tell me not to worry.

    if you wish to talk to me on the phone please inbox me on linkedin and i will give you my mobile number, maybe i can send an offer out for you through our email platform to help you out.
    Quote Originally Posted by talva12 View Post
    Let me tell you a case I had with Howard and Craig CEO of Jungle-Media

    About 10 month ago I contacted howard and he seemed like an honest guy which came out to be a total fraud. We, as an affiliate network and not only affiliates, paid howard and Craig $900 for 5 players of Make Money traffic. They ran away with the payment and ignored our many many emails

    After 6 months of calling the guy, he was aplogoizing to me and said he'll fix it. Them again, guess what - disappeared.

    In Dublin I met one of his emplyees Ramzi, which said he'll take care of it and then when we came back to our countries he told me that Howard said we already got the players,

    Isn't it sucks?

    Especially in our industry it's important to be homest but with people like howrd, that put a bad rep to our industry it's a shame.

    Be aware of that

  4. #4
    FictionNet is offline Closed by Request
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    I think he's saying he paid upfront CPA for players but they never appeared. If that's the case, a refund is in order. However, from what I can see, there's some dispute over whether the players were provided or not.

  5. #5
    wagerjunction's Avatar
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    I am finding this whole thing a tad confusing to be honest

    Maybe there's more to it...
    Affiliate Manager
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  6. #6
    eaton2003's Avatar
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    Were players sent or not? Did they give exactly what they promissed to give? If yes then they did their part of the contract. If no then they owe you money or players.
    Simon Eaton - Online marketing consultancy with 20 years experience

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  8. #7
    tryme's Avatar
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    I am surprised you have the time to bother yourself for such a small about even if i hadn't sent you the traffic, times must be hard Tal.
    Regardless of whether the traffic and/or players were sent, that is deeply disrespectful. If someone buys a product or service from someone else - no matter what the cost - and they don't deliver, they are well within their rights to complain. The fact that it may have cost $2 or $20,000 is irrelevant.

    I think the quote above speaks volumes about how Jungle Media view their clients.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to tryme For This Useful Post:

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  10. #8
    LuckyBettors - Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Craig Farley-Jones View Post
    I am surprised you have the time to bother yourself for such a small about even if i hadn't sent you the traffic
    First if there was a guarantee of a certain amount of traffic, it should be honored. If this wasn't honored then he has every right to make a complaint regardless of amount. To you $900 may not be much, to other affiliates it's alot. Show some respect.

    If you are so well known in this industry why has no one hear heard of you? Because this is the heart of the industry.

  11. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to LuckyBettors - Jamie For This Useful Post:

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  12. #9
    talva12 is offline New Member
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    It's "Make Money" traffic, which means that they will aim for players which are using roulette system and methods of how to beat the casinos. Some brands accept these kind of players and have a good retention for those. However, their value is very low if the brand doesn't know how to deal with them and therefore the low CPA of $180, but it is the reasonable market price of that players.

    Hope I made it clear

  13. #10
    talva12 is offline New Member
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    It was a payment up front for the "how to make money" kind of traffic as I explained to AE-martyn the low CPA. I wanted to put trust in them since we, at cpaindustry, seek for good and long term business relationship with our partners and that why the payment was sent to them around 5 minutes after the phone call I had with Craig, 10 month ago!!
    You can all imagine that if I waited so long to say anything here, and gave them plenty of chances to fix this issue, I never got neither traffic or players.

    Thanks all of you that said that it was never about the $900 but it's that principle that matters, since they could easily take 20000 from some else another day and all I did was telling the story as it was

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