Kind regards fellow affiliaters.
I am seeking some honest feedback for my site - oddsinfo.
Please have a look here:
Have a fantanstic day
Kind regards fellow affiliaters.
I am seeking some honest feedback for my site - oddsinfo.
Please have a look here:
Have a fantanstic day
Greetings! It looks fantastic. It's light, simple looking, easy to navigate!
IRON WITHIN IRON WITHOUT | | Cosmolot24 | | |
oddsinfo (22 December 2020)
I like your site :
- all looks light and user-friendly.
- the domain is amazing.
- it is good structured.
Do you have site in English ?
Seven times fall, eight times stand.
oddsinfo (22 December 2020)
Thanks for the kind words
At this moment, it will only be available in danish. I'm trying to advance my SEO game, which is why i'm niching down.
Please let me know if you have any critique at all.
Great and modern website. Easy to use and informative.
Only one suggestion is to work with on-page SEO.
Thanks a lot.
Could you maybe put just a few more words on what areas the site needs improvement of, in terms of on-page SEO?
Looking forward to hear from you.
Have a nice day.
I like how your site looks basic and at the same time, it has an expertise touch to it. All the content is well organized with plenty of helpful information and the domain name sticks out easily in my mind. You've done well.
Last edited by Cash Bonus; 19 December 2020 at 2:37 pm.
oddsinfo (22 December 2020)
Looks great! Like the others here, I like the simple minimalism of the appearance, and also how fast it loads.