The July 2022 edition of the GPWA Times Magazine is back from the printer and will be mailed out next week. If you are not currently receiving the magazine, please let us know your mailing address right away so we can mail a copy of the new magazine to you. And if you have moved, please let us know your new address so we send it to the right place. Address updates made by the beginning of next week will be used to create the mailing labels used to mail the new magazine out.

And, if you happen to be at the iGBL!VE conference taking place in Amsterdam this week, be sure to stop by our stand (A12). The new issue is available at he show, as well as all back issues from the past three years.

How to Check and Update Your Current Mailing Address

While logged into the forum, simply select "My Magazine Subscriptions" under "My Account" in the top navigation. We'll show you the address we currently have on file for you. Simply update it as appropriate. You can also opt-in or opt-out of receiving the magazine.
