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  1. #1
    Jimm is offline New Member
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    Default Looking for HONEST,LEGITAMENT Affiliate Portal Contacts/Help

    Please bear with me as I am new to the Internet Gambling business. Actually I have only been researching the business trying to locate the honest, legitimate and ethical people in the industry. Which is why I am emailing you. I felt that maybe you would know the right contacts. Those that are interested in maintaining a high level of standards in business as I am. I want to build or have built for me a casino portal website. Then join only the best internet casino affiliate programs. Below is a list of a few questions that I have as well as a list of a few things that I am in need of.
    Please answer each question as best you can.
    (1) What is Charge Back Money?
    (2) The different payment programs that you have listed, after I choose one
    of them will I be able to change to another later on?
    (3) This one will probably bring a smile to your face. Of the payment
    programs offered, which is best for the affiliate? "ME"
    (4) What are the Promotional Costs?
    (5) Are my checks sent via You or the Casinos?
    (6) If I join your program am I aloud to join and promote other Casino
    Affiliate Programs on my website also?
    Content Questions
    I plan on joining as many legitimate Casino affiliate programs as I can, so
    as to offer players variety and the choice of their favorite Casino to play
    (A) Am I best to join multiple casino Affiliate programs or is it best to
    pick 4 or 5 casinos only?
    (1) What content do the Players want to see and have available to them?
    (A) Getting Started Information
    (B) FAQ Page
    (C) Newsletter
    (D) Chat Rooms
    (E) message Boards
    (F) Forums
    (G) Industry News
    (H) Gambling Tips
    ( I ) Gamblers Anonymous
    (J) Sports Betting Links
    (K) Memberships
    (L) Casino Travel Promotions
    Any and all suggestions as to the website design, content, business
    management, affiliate do's and don't will be greatly appreciated.
    (1) I will need a professionally built website.
    (2) I will need an affiliate management program.
    (3) I will need a very knowledgeable Internet marketing Company.
    The intended project is to build a online Gambling Casino style website.
    This website will be an affiliate website only. I intend to build an
    affiliation with the best Casinos on the Internet. Once the website has been
    built and the Affiliate partnerships have been formed the marketing Company
    will be expected to put the website in front of as many Internet gamblers as
    possible in the least amount of time as possible for the fastest return on
    investment. All initial investments must be keep to the absolute minimum
    that is required to insure quality and profitability.
    Thank You,
    Jim McCoy

  2. #2
    VPJunkie is offline Private Member
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    Wow, Jim!! :LOL:

    Jim has been writing me and I asked him to post here today - told him you all would help him!

    Jim, make sure you search your way thru this forum - there's a ton of great info here. Thanks!!

  3. #3
    Chad is offline Public Member
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    No offense intended, but we're not here to write your business plan for you.

    If you're serious about doing this "little" project, you need to put in the hours of research needed to build you own business plan. You need to make a big investment of your time to succeed in this business. Finding the answers to your own initial concerns will give you a tiny taste of the time and committment involved in running a gambling portal.

    That time may help you decide if this is even something you want to attempt.


  4. #4
    Dominique's Avatar
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    Charge back money is the bane of the industry - it is people using a credit card to gamble, and if they lose they tell the card not to pay the money.

    Many of you questions need to be asked of the individual programs. The answers will vary from program to program.

    What you need to do is build a site or have one built (I think there are quite a few people here who can do that for you, or try your hand at any ofd the many places that provide free webspace and have a design program available) and join some of the major programs and get your feet wet while you wait out the three months it takes to join here once you have a site.

    If you are looking for a designer, just post here and skilled people who know the business will show up.

    Learn about search engine optimization. Play at some casinos using different software. Browse through other portals. Look at all the portals that come up on top of the search engine answers, especially google.

    The casino affiliate programs pay you directly.

    We all want to work only with the best casinos - we want happy players returning to us, we want timely payments for ourselves.

    We are just a group of portal owners sharing experiences and expertise and sillyness too and not any type of management place for affiliates. We each manage our own affairs.

    How much you spend on promotion is entirely up to you. The reason I stressed learning about search engines is that good placement there willl save you a lot of money.

  5. #5
    Pam712's Avatar
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    Hi Jim

    Welcome to the business

    My advice to you would be to do your research - get to know all about this industry before you even consider getting involved as a portal owner. I applaud your integrity in not wanting to work with shoddy casinos and programs but a little knowledge of the industry is essential before you even consider getting started.

    Again, no offence but it you do not even know what a chargeback is then you really need to be doing your own research - if a player was to come to you with a problem with a specific casino you would need to know how to handle it, who is who in this business, and how best to get it resolved. As Cin pointed out there is a wealth of information here on most subjects relating to the business.

    Lastly as you say in your post you want maximum return on your investment in the minimum time. I dont want to be rude here - but forget about getting rich quick in this industry. If you want a get rich quick fix then go look at another business. Any of the webmasters/webmistresses here will testify to the blood, sweat, tears and toil that go into this business, I work a 100 hour week a lot of the time and Im sure a lot of others do too. We have sh*tty months where we make nothing - we have good months - its a bit like living on a knife edge much of the time

  6. #6
    Dominique's Avatar
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