Received the following from Marathon. If information is not provided they will close account and confiscate any earnings.
Dear Affiliate,
We trust you are doing well.
We would like to remind you that all Marathonbet Affiliate Partners must have a compliant and fully operative Affiliate Channels register in the Affiliate Account. Fulfilling this condition is mandatory for being part Marathonbet Affiliate Program and under clause 4.4. of the Affiliate Program Terms & Conditions you are required to “keep the Company informed of any Affiliate Channels used on a regular basis and shall inform the Company immediately if you are proposing to use any new Affiliate Channel of which the Company was not previously aware”.
Please take the chance to review your Affiliate Channels register into your affiliate account and make sure they are operative and updated correctly.
Due to this, we are therefore required to inform you that if any Marathonbet Affiliate Partner is unable to satisfactorily furnish us with this information before 31st August 2021, any remaining balance will be withheld.
If a valid Affiliate Channel it is not register within a further 30 days from this date, we will permanently close the Marathonbet Affiliate Partner account and confiscate the pending commission if there is any.
Please kindly contact us at if you have any questions as we will be more than happy to help you.
Many thanks and best wishes,
Thank you!