Here it is, what you have been waiting for - guaranteed rewards for promoting Grand Monaco and Casino Share - what could be easier?

The GLOBAL Drive - guaranteed cash!

Offered through June 30, 2007

Easy Bonuses - All the time

When we launched last year we gave away over 80 prizes ranging from $150 to $1770 for a total of over $20 000! This year - we are giving aware FAR MORE - it could easily be over € $ £ 100 000!

We are starting at € $ £ 500 per person that brings in more than 5 accounts over the 3 month period, and it all goes up FAST from there - up to € $ £ 5000, guaranteed!

Take a look at the Guaranteed Global incentive table:

<TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width="100%" bgColor=#eeeeee border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=plain-text width="40%">Acquired players*

by June, 30 2007

</TD><TD class=plain-text width="35%">
Number of Bonuses

</TD><TD class=plain-text width="25%">YOUR GUARANTEED PAYMENT!

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=plain-text width="40%" bgColor=#ffffff>5 to 15

</TD><TD class=plain-text width="35%" bgColor=#ffffff>Unlimited

</TD><TD class=plain-text width="25%" bgColor=#ffffff>€ $ £ 500

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=plain-text width="40%" bgColor=#ffffff>16 to 25

</TD><TD class=plain-text width="35%" bgColor=#ffffff>Unlimited

</TD><TD class=plain-text width="25%" bgColor=#ffffff>€ $ £ 1,000

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=plain-text width="40%" bgColor=#ffffff>26 to 40

</TD><TD class=plain-text width="35%" bgColor=#ffffff>Unlimited

</TD><TD class=plain-text width="25%" bgColor=#ffffff>€ $ £ 2,000

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=plain-text width="40%" bgColor=#ffffff>41 to 60

</TD><TD class=plain-text width="35%" bgColor=#ffffff>Unlimited

</TD><TD class=plain-text width="25%" bgColor=#ffffff>€ $ £ 3,000

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=plain-text width="40%" bgColor=#ffffff>60 +

</TD><TD class=plain-text width="35%" bgColor=#ffffff>Unlimited

</TD><TD class=plain-text width="25%" bgColor=#ffffff>€ $ £ 5,000


How it works:

Scenario 1: Month 1 – 6 players, Month 2 – 3 players, Month 3 – 8 players. We will sum month 1 and month 3 to 14 players and you will receive a € $ £ 1000 bonus!

Scenario 2: Month 1 – 12 players, Month 2 – 20 players, Month 3 – 8 players. We will sum month 1 and 2 to 32 and you will receive a € $ £ 2,000 bonus!

Scenario 3: Month 1 – 15 players (ggr – 10 000), Month 2 – 12 players (ggr – 12 000), Month 3 – 25 players (ggr – 5000). We will sum all three months to 52, and you will receive € $ £ 3,000 bonus, due to the fact that the ggr is greater in month 2, and the accounts greater in month 3.

Do I get my bonus paid in € $ £?

How we determine this is based on the majority of your accounts. If you bring in more EURO accounts than DOLLAR accounts, your bonus will be in EUROS should the gross gaming revenue also be in EUROS.

Our aim is to fairly reward as many of our partner marketers as possible, and not make contests limited to a small group of affiliates – particularly now. We try to design incentives based around performance and ability, and reward handsomely for effort! The European and Eastern Markets are massive and untapped – we are here to kick you into gear by assisting wherever we can!