Oh wow that's weird!
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weird but awesome very very gourgous pictures
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I wonder how much does that room cost?? Anybody have any idea?
No idea mate how much would it cost ... but is probably worth it...a unique experience!
Knowing my luck it would break while I'm sleeping and a shark would eat me..
It's pretty cool though.
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Don't think I'd be able to sleep all night!
hahahahaha!"We're gonna need a bigger boat"
Wow thats amazing... would be crazy at night looking around with a flashlight at all the creatures around you.
That hotel is in the Maldives think it is a Hilton and rooms start from mid hundreds to few thousand a night.Nice to look at but I like to keep my window open at night![]()
wow I NEED a bedroom like that!
That's the most beautiful bedroom on the planet!!! I'd be a bit too nervous to fall asleep in there though, in case the glass breaks or something lol
Very nice collection of pictures on the Maldives. I have been there and it is real nice (but not in that bedroom). Sadly the country will be entirely submerged in a few decades.
I doubt i'd be able to sleep. Toooo scary. The bedroom looks nice of cos but i wouldn't be able to stand the thought of sleeping in that bedroom and being watched/preyed by some hungry sea creatures. ermmm guess i'm not a sea person.
Zoorana Green
Its the Poseidon Mystery Island located somewhere in Fiji ... where I was born!!! I don't think it has been built yet, or is currently still being built.. and it will set you back about 15K a week.
OMG, I am so passionate about the ocean and all creatures that live in it lol. I would love, love and love to have a room like that. Has anyone been to the Golden Nugget in Vegas where you can swim in the pool and sharks and other sea creatures swim around you in an aquarium? AWESOME!