I think the member site reviews forum should be moved to the public section. It seems many site reviews already land in the freshman forum.
Just a suggestion.
I think the member site reviews forum should be moved to the public section. It seems many site reviews already land in the freshman forum.
Just a suggestion.
We can't just "move" forums from private to public.
I see nothing wrong with allowing members to ask for site reviews either in the public or private forums.
Some members might only want input from the members which are already private members.
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That's just it, I don't think there's anything wrong with it either, but I don't see any place where it says post your member site review requests wherever you want either.
A place designated for site reviews in the public forums would be a big plus. After all, our sites are made for the public (at least mine are) and those should be the opinions that are the most valuable.
I go the other way on these discussions.
I like many of the discussion topics to be on the private side. I can see the need for a wider audience, but I try my best to put more trust in the opinions and ideas of approved members...
I saw a thread like this wanting to move link trading to public... which I am firmly against as I want to think my link trading partner has passed some kind of ethical examination. I ignore just about every link trade and "promote this" email I get - I see it as nothing more than spam.
I don't think the Member Site Review Forum should go Public because there a site can be subjected to aggressive and unfair attacks which cannot be controlled. If someone wants a site to be reviewed in the public forums, he or she can post a thread in the Public Chatterbox.
I think that members should have the choice to ask for either public reviews or member reviews. I welcome aggressive and unfair attacks that can't be controlled. What is the worst that someone can say..."your site is crap!" "If you keep making crap sites, I'll come over and kick your ass!" Big deal.
Anyway, I'll post my public site review requests at Chatter Box in the future. Case closed.