Hi, anyone know affiliate managers at onlinebingo.eu, stakes.com and luckylukecasino.com they can refer me? Thanks a million.
Hi, anyone know affiliate managers at onlinebingo.eu, stakes.com and luckylukecasino.com they can refer me? Thanks a million.
Hi, for onlinebingo.eu, their contact phone number for affiliates is +44742-9159173 and they're based in Cyprus.
stakes.com can be reached on Skype on live:83e93a006608adb5
And for luckylukecasino.com you can also reach them through this Skype ID: live:affiliates_451
Good luck!
Last edited by Cash Bonus; 18 June 2019 at 10:38 pm.
Thanks, but I was hoping to get a some names that I can contact directly. Do you happen to have onlinebingo.eu on Skype?
No, unfortunately I don't. That is the only contact information that I have for you. I would give it a try and call that number since it's specifically a number for affiliates and speak to an affiliate manager about your situation.
onlinebingo.eu is managed by the same people of igamingpartners.
You can try this skype username igamingpartners
For stakes.com you can try Lindsey: lindseyagius3389
Or Ben: ben_taylor75
I do not have any contact for luckylukecasino
Casinorep (20 June 2019)
Casinorep (20 June 2019)
Thanks I will reach out!