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  1. #1
    MichaelCorfman's Avatar
    MichaelCorfman is offline GPWA Executive Director
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    Lightbulb New APCW Perspectives Videos

    I'm very pleased to announce our first round of improvements to the APCW Perspectives videos since the APCW became a sister organization to the GPWA a couple months ago.

    First, we've moved from a single weekly video released on Friday to two videos with one released on Tuesday and one released on Friday. Having two videos each week will enable us to report news on an even more timely basis. No other video show comes close with our rapid production process that results in our videos being available to you without significant delays between when they are shot and when they are released.

    And we've upgraded our camera equipment and changed to Youtube high quality video. With our new higher quality you can watch the videos in full screen format.

    We're also beginning to better integrate and coordinate the work of our larger news reporting team. We now have six full-time professionals researching and reporting news on the gaming industry. We think and hope that you will be impressed by the work we do over the coming months delivering information to you that is both informative and engaging.

    Finally, we've started out the new year with the new format and with the beginning of a series of reports about Cardspike that by its very nature is controversial. Today there is speculation about whether we are sticking our necks out and reporting information without knowing all the facts. I invite you to watch and see how the story unfolds. I believe you will find the information presented over the next several episodes will be based on solid investigative reporting and the highest journalistic standards.

    Here is a link to the thread where the first high quality video and the first episode in the series was posted this Tuesday:

    GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
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    kwblue (7 January 2009), Nandakishore (8 January 2009)

  3. #2
    ppw's Avatar
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    Got this Vid yesterday and joined APCW straight away!, It was the first time I have watched a "perspective " vid, I normally watch casinomeisters but I thought it was so excellent I told everyone at webzcas OCR forum to join APCW too.

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    Chips's Avatar
    Chips is offline Private Member
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    Very well done! I really enjoyed the wide screen so now J can bounce about even more! Really well done!
    "People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity." ~Andrew Carnegie~

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