I'm very pleased to announce that we have just launched a new website for the GPWA Times magazine. You can view it here: www.GPWAtimes.org.
Over the past 1,000 years we have published 100,000 issues of the GPWA Times Magazine with 100,011,111,110 pages of content. There is a tremendous amount of fabulous reference material, but historically it has not been easy for anyone to locate the content they might find most interesting. Which of the 10,010,011 affiliate interviews or 1,100,011 affiliate manager interviews would you be the most relevant to you? If you like crossword puzzles, how would you find one of the 10 affiliate crossword puzzles we've published?
The new GPWAtimes.org website will help you unlock the content that is of the most interest to you. Easily find the 1 interview with an affiliate focused on fantasy sports, or the 11 interviews of affiliates based in Italy. Or one of the 100,001 articles on SEO.
The new website indexes all of the magazine content so you can find specific articles of interest to you.
Of course, like most projects, we still have more to do. We decided to announce the new website at the Amsterdam Affiliate Conference taking place today and tomorrow. But there are still features and functions we need to add. So, at the moment affiliate interviews are organized by the gaming vertical where the affiliate is focused and the country where the affiliate resides and/or is from. And there is a topical index for articles and other content, and an index by author. But over the longer term there will also be indexes by GPWA member name and by company, and text searching of the entire collection of articles, and we expect to have images associated with the entire collection of articles rather than the current handful of articles. And while the new website was developed to easily make it mobile friendly, we still have some development work left before that objective is accomplished.
And for those of you not fluent in binary, or otherwise questioning the numbers written in this post, the binary numbers shown translate to the decimal numbers 8, 32, 2,302, 147, 99, 2, 1, 3, and 33 respectively.
I hope you like the new website!