The number of people who have joined the GPWA group on facebook continues to grow with over 100 new facebook members during the month of April alone.
And earlier today at 11:34 am EDT we passed a new milestone when we welcomed our 500th member to the GPWA facebook group. Sounds like party time to me!
Join me in wishing a warm welcome to Edward Ihre, managing director at Ladbrokes poker. Definitely the sort of fellow who looks like he has a good time at parties!
Edward Ihre, 500th GPWA facebook member
GPWA Party Animal
So, if you have not yet joined the GPWA group on facebook, now is the time to join the crowd. Just follow the link to go to the GPWA group page and click the "join this group" link just below the GPWA logo on the right side of the page.
And we also have a crowd growing over on the LinkedIn site - we passed 100 members there this past week. If you are a member of LinkedIn, be sure to join the GPWA LinkedIn group. Just follow the link