Hello and thank you for taking a peek.

We have quite a few gambling related web sites with the majority being comprehensive gambling directories.

Our most active site currently has a home page ranking of a PR-5 and inners of 4 and 3.

The other 4 web sites we are including in this offering all have home page rankings of PR-4's and inners follow suit.

I will describe what we want and what we will give.

What we are looking for is similar to a text link/banner trade. We have an Award Banner that compliments any Gambling Web Site to the fullest and gives the visitors to your home page and "extra" feeling that they have found a Gambling Web Site of value and professionalism.

Here is the Link to the award which would be required to be on your home page near the fold or towards the bottom of the home page.


We have and still do accomidate a few Links for other web sites and their Google rankings have increased (in some cases) within a 3 month period up to a couple of PR-5's and several PR-4's.

The majority of our trades go in our Link Exchange section and many of these have also shared the same benefits.

What we propose is (after your web site is reviewed) to partner in an exchange, having our Award Banner on a qualified Gambling Web Site. We honeslty DO NOT give out our banner to anyone. We do have certain criteria a Web SIte has to meet.

THE DEAL: In exchange for putting our Award Banner on your home page we will accept your links in the Links Exchange sections of 4 of our Top Gambling Directories.

We will consider offers of an exchange for putting your link on one of our PR-4 pages only if your Web Sites themselves are at least a PR-4. The same stands true for our PR-5 Home Page.

We feel this is a fair exchange for all that are in the market for rasing their Google PR and getting higher rankings on the other top search engines.

Please feel free to view our 2 main portals and if You have different offers please pm me as we are open to all fair partnerships. As things are changing in this industry, Gamble-On.com morethenever sees all Link Exchanges, shared promotional material and other marketing ideas as true partnerships. We are not concerned so much about competition but more so to see the hard work that all of us have put into our web sites and marketing to succeed and to continue the bonds we have made over the last few years.

Please excuse any banners that might be messed up as we are in the middle of working on all of our sites.

for your review:



Again, please PM me or Email the Webmaster direct at webmaster@gamble-on.com and also at www.thewebsbestcasinos.com and we will reply promptly.


Webs Best