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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Betpartners View Post

    London people are called the salt of the earth, my arse

    Never a truer sentence was uttered when someone said you could live in London surrounded by 6 million souls and be as lonely as hell.

    Anti social, miserable, aggressive and downright rude and obnoxious a race of people i have ever had the displeasure to come across.
    I genuinely worry for a bit Betman when I see Sightseeing Requests and the like.

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    Quote Originally Posted by joeyl View Post
    I genuinely worry for a bit Betman when I see Sightseeing Requests and the like.
    joelynne no idea who Betman is but i am sure he will repond to you

    But with regards to MY opening post it was pure tongue in cheek mate and was my way of announcing that i will be attending my first conference.

    For the most part London is as safe as any major city in the world and i am sure that anyone going on a sightseeing tour will be perfectly safe and will enjoy themselves

    Now if you are attending and want to go on a sightseeing tour i will be happy to put you in the right direction.

    Try Brixton, lovely place at night or Tottenham's Broadwater Farm, Another lovely place.

    You could also try the Stonebridge Estate and the Stockwell Estate.

    Ok i am being naughty, i would not visit those places even if protected by the British SAS.

    But seriously London is as safe as anywhere else mate, no need to be worried, the whole thread is light hearted
    Arthritis Care

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  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Betpartners View Post
    joelynne no idea who Betman is but i am sure he will repond to you
    Always wondered why you ran around with a sheet on your head shouting

    Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Betman!

    You are Batmans brother!

    Think i will take the part of the joker!


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    Quote Originally Posted by Chalkie View Post
    Always wondered why you ran around with a sheet on your head shouting

    Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Betman!

    You are Batmans brother!

    Think i will take the part of the joker!
    Oi back off or i will tell everyone to do a google image search of chucklevision
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    OK so i get called a Called a chuckle brother now and again, however, i have been mistaken for Gian Franco Zola and Franki Dettori more often.



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  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Betpartners View Post
    But seriously London is as safe as anywhere else mate, no need to be worried, the whole thread is light hearted
    I do worry.

    Ok, a sightseeing tour during the day, you can go anywhere really.

    At night, these guys search out the clubs & pubs.

    I expect if they stick to the organised bashes they'll be alright.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Betpartners View Post
    joelynne no idea who Betman is but i am sure he will repond to you

    Try Brixton, lovely place at night or Tottenham's Broadwater Farm, Another lovely place.

    I'll take anyone who wants to go to Brixton to The Albert for a beer. Brixton is a great place, but you dont want to go there looking like a tourist, and if a 6 foot Jamaican following you around going 'skunkweedskunkweedcharliepillscoke' is likely to put you make you choke, then its probably not for you either.

    However I find that these areas are generally safer than more touristy parts of London. There's way more violence in leicester sq on a Friday and Sat night due to the number of people (tourists and out of towners) coming into the Square, getting drunk and rowdy and then upsetting someone. If you get turned over in Brixton or any of the Zone 2 and outer parts of London, then chances are that you deserved it.

    True story - I actually used to go round Brixton in a 3 quarter length leopardskin fur coat, DMs and Elvis shades. That confused the yoot - they didnt know if I was mad or a gangster, so they left me well alone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBoyMitchell View Post
    If you get turned over in Brixton or any of the Zone 2 and outer parts of London, then chances are that you deserved it.
    Not sure anyone deserves to get turned over mate, but i get what your saying, dont walk through the streets at night in bermuda shorts and sunglasses saying howdy pardner.

    For you and me as London lads in areas we know we can feel safe but for out of towners as the conference people generally are then no one can advise them to visit these sort of areas at night time and guarantee their safety.

    Personally i can go on the "farm" at anytime i would feel safe as i am known there, but no i would not get off the tube at Brixton and walk down the back streets and feel safe.

    Same applies to Hackney, Peckham, Southall and even Edmonton.

    Let me put it this way, my other half in winter when it gets dark would not even think of walking to the local shops anywhere in the metropiltan area or even in the suburbs and we are talking 4pm onwards

    No way to live in a civillised society.

    Here in Malta she does not bat an eyelid to go at out 11pm in the pitch darkness to go and get herself a bar of chocolate from the local restaurants and a chat with the locals.

    Oh and before anything questions why i am not going out to get the choclate or whatever at 11pm at night, it is because she wants to, because she can, because she feels safe.

    Cannot say that about London sorry

    But again, generally speaking you are safe as in any major western city.

    Just be careful at night time thats all.
    Arthritis Care

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    Totally agree BP - better to not get yourself in the situation in the first place.

    Anyway, for 99% of the people attending LAC, there is nothing for them to see in Brixton, Peckham, Chalk Farm etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBoyMitchell View Post
    Totally agree BP - better to not get yourself in the situation in the first place.

    Anyway, for 99% of the people attending LAC, there is nothing for them to see in Brixton, Peckham, Chalk Farm etc.
    Actually dont find Chalk Farm so bad and parts of it especially the Camden Town end are a fantastic cultural mix though some well dodgy estates there i will admit

    But you know what i find funny is how the Millionaire residences actually border on to what you refer to as ghettos.

    Take the Bishops Avenue it is approx 2 miles from Tottenham and if i am mistaken is actually part of Haringey, probably one of the worst councils in London.

    But you know what the sad thing is that London is nowhere near as bad as some of the other major UK cities

    St Pauls, in Bristol, Moss side in Manchester, Chapletown in Leeds and so on.

    And dont get me started on some of the places in Cardiff and Glasgow, would make your hair turn white
    Arthritis Care

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    Well mate, are you still thinking this was the worst thing you couldda done?

    Shame we didnt get to have a decent chat.. You didn't even recognise me!
    Mind you, hardly anyone did... Must have been the new haircut. And of course I've lost a lot of weight since the last conference..

    Anyway, hope to see you again next time

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    Quote Originally Posted by Renee View Post
    Well mate, are you still thinking this was the worst thing you couldda done?

    Shame we didnt get to have a decent chat.. You didn't even recognise me!
    Mind you, hardly anyone did... Must have been the new haircut. And of course I've lost a lot of weight since the last conference..

    Anyway, hope to see you again next time

    Hi Renee

    I think i owe you an apology, we said hello to each other but then i turned away to speak with someone else and i remember thinking about 20 mins later i hope i was not rude to Renee, that was never my intention.

    Next time be assured i will spend as much time with you that i can

    Though i did say congratulations on your award success, so i was not all bad

    Truth is i was never really with it at the conference, my grand total time spent over 2 days was a measly 2 hours, 1 hour on each day.

    First day was spoilt by the so called security who were lucky i never lamped them one, i was sorely tempted and if i was not with my daughter i would have done and taken the consequences, that is how much they pissed me off.

    Second day was better but i had to leave for airport as i left on the saturday and that is when i saw you.

    But i am thinking about Amsterdam and the possibility of going to that, if i do i will rent a houseboat i think.

    Though not sure you wanna be in my company in Amsterdam, that truley is my city and not the red light district.

    I had decided against Prague because it originally interfered with the World Cup but Alex has brought that forward now so it could happen, not sure though.

    So Renee, i do apologise for not being more well mannered when we met and trust me when i say i will seek you out at the next conference we both attend.
    Arthritis Care

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    Quote Originally Posted by Betpartners View Post
    Hi Renee

    I think i owe you an apology, we said hello to each other but then i turned away to speak with someone else and i remember thinking about 20 mins later i hope i was not rude to Renee, that was never my intention.

    Next time be assured i will spend as much time with you that i can

    Though i did say congratulations on your award success, so i was not all bad

    Truth is i was never really with it at the conference, my grand total time spent over 2 days was a measly 2 hours, 1 hour on each day.

    First day was spoilt by the so called security who were lucky i never lamped them one, i was sorely tempted and if i was not with my daughter i would have done and taken the consequences, that is how much they pissed me off.

    Second day was better but i had to leave for airport as i left on the saturday and that is when i saw you.

    But i am thinking about Amsterdam and the possibility of going to that, if i do i will rent a houseboat i think.

    Though not sure you wanna be in my company in Amsterdam, that truley is my city and not the red light district.

    I had decided against Prague because it originally interfered with the World Cup but Alex has brought that forward now so it could happen, not sure though.

    So Renee, i do apologise for not being more well mannered when we met and trust me when i say i will seek you out at the next conference we both attend.
    Don't sweat it mate!
    Everyone was so busy. Most of the time a hello was exactly that - a hello and a walk on.

    Next time I'm at one of these things I fully expect to get in a couple of days earlier so I can meet with all the people who came by and missed me.

    I wont be in amsterdam so youll have to smoke box the place out for me... Not sure about prague yet.. There haven't been any decisions made so far but I will keep you all posted.
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