Recognition for Member Forum Contributions in February
This month we have changed the way we decide which members we recognize for their contributions to the forum. You can see the announcement of the change in the following thread: A New Approach to Determining Members to Recognize for Forum Contributions.
Following is a list of members we want to give a special cheer to for their contributions to the forums in February:

TheGooner - Gooner's Guide (www.goonersguide.com)
Roulette Zeitung - Roulette Zeitung (www.roulettezeitung.com)
ocreditor - Online Casino Reports (www.onlinecasinoreports.com)
Webzcas - Online Casino Reviewer (www.onlinecasinoreviewer.com)
thepogg - The POGG - The Player's Online Gambling Guide (thepogg.com)
AussieDave - Gamblers Go Wild (www.gamblersgowild.com)
xecutable - Footy Betting Tips (footybettingtips.co.uk)
Triple7 - Casinos Belgie (www.casinosbelgie.be)
dfiocch - Free Extra Chips (www.freeextrachips.com)
sweetbet - Sweet Bet (www.sweetbet.com)
Moonlight Cat - Xbet.cc (xbet.cc)
Sherlock - (No portal on file)
Syndicate - (No portal on file)
wonderpunter - Casino Whizz (casinowhizz.com)
eenzoo - Alphaslot (www.alphaslot.com)
PROFRBcom - Professional RakeBack (professionalrakeback.com)
DaftDog - Slots ZAR (slotszar.co.za)
GlitzyBingo - Glitzy Bingo (www.glitzybingo.co.uk)
bossrm - Thaipokerleak (thaipokerleak.com)
redblueassociates - (No portal on file)
RacingJim - (No portal on file)
eaton2003 - (No portal on file)
Muppet - Casino Listings (www.casinolistings.com)
baldidiot - Online Betting (www.onlinebetting.eu)
PromoteCasino - Betting Offers.bet (bettingoffers.bet)
Progger - Fun Automat (fun-automat.com)
petimi - (No portal on file)
allaboutthebets - Betting App Guide (www.bettingappguide.com)
a.harrison - (No portal on file)
matthewt - ForFreeCasinos.com (www.forfreecasinos.com)
Mattbar - Latest Betting Offers.co.uk (www.latestbettingoffers.co.uk)
JamieG1981 - (No portal on file)
UTG - (No portal on file)
golfbettingsystem - Golf Betting System (www.golfbettingsystem.co.uk)

We're giving an extra special thanks to TheGooner, who takes the top spot for his contributions to the forum in the month of February. His site is being shown on the home page for the month of March as the featured site. Congratulations!

As was the case in previous months, we are going to show our appreciation with links to your sites from the home page and a collection of other pages! Without your contributions GPWA wouldn't be the community it is today! If you are listed as an active member and we don't have your site on file please contact Anthony to update.
If you missed the list this time, and would like to be included next month, it's easy, just be an active participant. It'll be noticed!
As always, here's to lots of active members!
The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to MichaelCorfman For This Useful Post:
Breakout Ewa (8 March 2018), Cash Bonus (7 March 2018), GlitzyBingo (8 March 2018), matthewt (28 September 2018), ocreditor (8 March 2018), paulpuolakka (8 March 2018), Renee (7 March 2018)
Congrats to all and thanks for sharing.
Prays for Leopold's wife fast recovery, hoping for good news soon
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to ocreditor For This Useful Post:
Cash Bonus (8 March 2018), matthewt (28 September 2018), Roulette Zeitung (9 March 2018)
Congratz everyone!
The Following User Says Thank You to paulpuolakka For This Useful Post:
matthewt (28 September 2018)
Well done everyone!
The Following User Says Thank You to Breakout Ewa For This Useful Post:
matthewt (28 September 2018)
well done to all who made the list!
The Following User Says Thank You to marlies For This Useful Post:
matthewt (28 September 2018)
The Following User Says Thank You to golfbettingsystem For This Useful Post:
matthewt (28 September 2018)
My congratulations to everyone who made it to the list. Good Job!
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Luke Affalliance For This Useful Post:
Cash Bonus (9 March 2018), matthewt (28 September 2018), Roulette Zeitung (9 March 2018)
12 March 2018, 8:44 pm
Sorry for the late post, been away. Congrats to everyone
The Following User Says Thank You to Former Member 14 For This Useful Post:
matthewt (28 September 2018)
The Following User Says Thank You to Breakout Affiliates For This Useful Post:
matthewt (28 September 2018)
Congratulations to everyone who contributes to the GPWA every month
The Following User Says Thank You to Cash Bonus For This Useful Post:
matthewt (28 September 2018)
Congratulations to everyone
The Following User Says Thank You to rableshkumar For This Useful Post:
matthewt (28 September 2018)
Good job, very nice see people so involve.
The Following User Says Thank You to Cesar B H For This Useful Post:
matthewt (28 September 2018)
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