We are in discussions with Roxy, they are aware of the desire for action against them. Unfortunately, our main contact is out of town until May 15, nothing can really be resolved until then. We will be post an update after we communicate further.
We are in discussions with Roxy, they are aware of the desire for action against them. Unfortunately, our main contact is out of town until May 15, nothing can really be resolved until then. We will be post an update after we communicate further.
I am here to help if you have any issues with an affiliate program.
Become involved in GPWA to truly make the association your own:
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ecoatsbelstaff (26 May 2013), kwinskiiren (30 May 2013), roupardjust (17 May 2013)
The update is appreciated, Anthony, but I think you should suspend Roxy from GPWA - TODAY. There is sufficient evidence of wrongdoing. You should pull Roxy today and reinstate them if/when they make enough amends. Waiting another 8 days for just another update isn't nearly enough at the moment.
ecoatsbelstaff (26 May 2013), Engineer (7 May 2013), GCG (7 May 2013), kwblue (7 May 2013), kwinskiiren (30 May 2013), mattsgame (7 May 2013), Redbush54 (7 May 2013), roupardjust (17 May 2013), Webzcas (7 May 2013)
I agree with Rob. GPWA should do something now -- today -- with both Roxy and Brightshare.
Why is the main point of contact at Roxy unavailable? Where is he? Doesn't he have a mobile phone or internet access where he is? During a time like this, when their business is crumbling and facing an enormous backlash, why is he completely unavailable for more than a week? This makes no sense.
Or maybe it does make sense, if you consider that perhaps they don't give two shits about what they are doing to their affiliates. If they did care, they would make an effort to get this resolved immediately.
It is NOT OKAY to let a program get away with something so severe without being punished immediately.
Please DO SOMETHING about this.
-Shay- (9 May 2013), alin04 (7 May 2013), ecoatsbelstaff (26 May 2013), FictionNet (7 May 2013), GCG (7 May 2013), kwinskiiren (30 May 2013), mattsgame (7 May 2013), Redbush54 (7 May 2013), roupardjust (17 May 2013), Webzcas (7 May 2013)
I know it is not your call whether a program can or cannot be removed/suspended from the GPWA and you are only passing on the message from the top. So this is not in anyway directed at you.
However, Michael needs to be aware if he is not already aware that affiliates are not happy at having these changes forced upon them by Roxy's actions.
It was Roxy that changed and moved the goal posts without dialogue, not the other way around.
Therefore they should be suspended from the GPWA immediately. They can then be the ones to suffer whilst the GPWA's Roxy Affiliates contact is out of town for a week.
I don't see what the problem is, unless of course it means GPWA will have to refund Roxy's sponsorship money. If this is the real reason why Roxy Affiliates remain as a sponsored program here, then the GPWA is a sham and not working in the interests of affiliates.
Last edited by Webzcas; 7 May 2013 at 4:38 pm.
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ecoatsbelstaff (26 May 2013), Engineer (7 May 2013), FictionNet (8 May 2013), kwinskiiren (30 May 2013), mattsgame (7 May 2013), roupardjust (17 May 2013)
I get what you guys are saying about suspending them today, but it would not be productive for us to suspend them while we are in the middle of discussions and our main contact is out of town. It would essentially ends the negotiation process.
I have made it clear that these issues not only risk severe damage to Roxy Affiliate's reputation but also jeopardize our ability to work with them going forward. I want affiliates to know we will continue fighting the fight and working to find compromise when we can and removing programs when we need to take a stand.
I am sorry the process takes so long, but sometimes it’s worth the all time and effort we put in to try to get to a better place.
Next week I will have an update.
I am here to help if you have any issues with an affiliate program.
Become involved in GPWA to truly make the association your own:
Apply for Private Membership | Apply for the GPWA Seal | Partner with a GPWA Sponsor | Volunteer as a Moderator
ecoatsbelstaff (26 May 2013), kwinskiiren (30 May 2013), roupardjust (17 May 2013)
I'm sorry but I disagree.I get what you guys are saying about suspending them today, but it would not be productive for us to suspend them while we are in the middle of discussions and our main contact is out of town. It would essentially end the negotiation process.
They changed the rules and as a result of doing so, they should face the consequences of their actions, which includes suspending them from the GPWA. They were not bothered in negotiating with us when they made the changes after all.
It is very clear, that so far AGD is the only site that has OUR interests first.
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ecoatsbelstaff (26 May 2013), Engineer (7 May 2013), FictionNet (8 May 2013), GCG (8 May 2013), kwinskiiren (30 May 2013), mattsgame (7 May 2013), Redbush54 (8 May 2013), roupardjust (17 May 2013)
For me it does not matter what they still do either way, even in case they decide to leave things as they were before.
By not honoring their own terms and ignoring this issue altogether this company has clearly proven that they cannot be trusted anymore.
ecoatsbelstaff (26 May 2013), kwinskiiren (30 May 2013), roupardjust (17 May 2013)
I cannot believe you would not suspend them on the premises they didn't even discuss the changes with you guys, other sites like CAP, AGD or even their own affiliates.
Why is that they get the chance to wait it out and discuss the matter whilst screwing affiliates in the mean time, yet they didn't even give their partners a 2nd thought?
For now I have removed my GPWA seal and will not be bothering to apply for the seal with my other site/s until I see some action, its not looking good for the GPWA atm I am afraid.
Real Reviews By Real Players - Casino, casino games, and affiliate reviews.
ecoatsbelstaff (26 May 2013), Engineer (8 May 2013), kwinskiiren (30 May 2013), roupardjust (17 May 2013)
Anyone who has the seal in place should remove it, it has no value at all anymore.For now I have removed my GPWA seal and will not be bothering to apply for the seal with my other site/s until I see some action, its not looking good for the GPWA atm I am afraid.
Ridiculous to see GPWA wants to buy time in order not to lose their sponsor money.
ecoatsbelstaff (26 May 2013), kwinskiiren (30 May 2013), roupardjust (17 May 2013)
CAP has now 'suspended' Brightshare and 'rogued' Roxy.
No matter what GPWA does now, it is/was the last to act, and even if GPWA does the right thing now, it will be seen as following the rest, due to pressure, not because it was the right thing to do.
GPWA missed a chance here. Big time.
ecoatsbelstaff (26 May 2013), kwinskiiren (30 May 2013), roupardjust (17 May 2013)
I was thinking to promote roxyaff a few weaks ago and I didn t. Good call for me. GPWA watch and learn:the others forums have different approach for this problem.
ecoatsbelstaff (26 May 2013), kwinskiiren (30 May 2013), roupardjust (17 May 2013)
I have made the post quoted below in the GPWA Announcement forum. You can see the post containing the announcement here:
Roxy Affiliates Sponsorship Suspended.
With this announcement I have closed this thread. Further discussion can take place in the above thread.
GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates: iGamingDirectory.com, iGamingAffiliatePrograms.com, GamingMeets.com
ecoatsbelstaff (26 May 2013), kwinskiiren (30 May 2013), roupardjust (17 May 2013)
I'm pleased to be able to say that the discussions we have had with Roxy Affiliates over the past month have yielded positive results. Roxy Affiliates has announced earlier today that they are reviewing and reopening closed accounts. You can see their full announcement and my comments in the following thread:
Roxy Affiliates announcement
GPWA Executive Director, Casino City CEO, Friend to the Village Idiot
Resources for Affiliates: iGamingDirectory.com, iGamingAffiliatePrograms.com, GamingMeets.com