Hi, i have few poker sites, which just sitting on my server last few years. I might let these go to a good hand who can take care and promote and make money out of it.
If anyone interested, please pm me for more details. thanks
Hi, i have few poker sites, which just sitting on my server last few years. I might let these go to a good hand who can take care and promote and make money out of it.
If anyone interested, please pm me for more details. thanks
Does it make any money? Are you selling the affiliate accounts with the site?
What is your price for each site?
Best regards
Thanks a lot!
I will check them.
Best regards
So the sites are still up for sale?
PM me with the links and prices please.
Mahmud (1 December 2014)
Mahmud (1 December 2014)
I have sent 7 sites pricing details via pm. Thanks
Doolally (2 December 2014)