I don't know if some casinos have terms or ruling like this but what do you think guys?
Is it bad or just fine to publish the name of their jackpot winner or something?
I don't care
I don't know if some casinos have terms or ruling like this but what do you think guys?
Is it bad or just fine to publish the name of their jackpot winner or something?
Yes, only if the winners agree, otherwise absolutely not. Therefore, I have voted MAYBE.
I also voted Maybe. And I agree with Nandakishore, if a winner agree to post his name then there is no a problem. But any personal information mustn't be posted.
A tricky one this, as those who did not win, would probably want to know who did.
Those handing the cheques over would say Yes as it shows their good spirit in promoting the winner and the casino.
Have gone for maybe, as believe it should be the choice of the winner.
I'm pretty much with everyone else on this. I voted "no" unless of course the player wishes for their details to be published. Personal details should never, in my opinion, be posted without the authorisation of the player.
When we run promotions at our program we include some like, " We reserve the right to use your information or likeness for promotional reasons.".. We would never give out a full name, just first name and country is enough to list in the winners pages. So far, no one has complained about that.
So, in short before anyone submits for a promotion read the terms and conditions. In our case we like to promote the winners.
casinojack (25 May 2009)
I guess I'm going against the grain on this one... I voted yes.
Most (if not all) casinos reserve the right to use your name and/or picture in their advertising/promotions if you win big. Read the T&C's... it's almost always in there. You agree to those terms when you sign up, so you gotta live with em...
But... most casinos also respect their players privacy enough to either only use a first name or the winner's nickname in the promo so I have no issue with it.
Terry - The Pokerkeep
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The format that most casinos use is first name, last initial and country, which I don't believe is too intrusive.
Remember, these pages can be viewed by competitors also, so you don't want to give info that could make your big players too identifiable.
I also agree. The first name and country should suffice. If I were the winner I wouldn't like strangers knocking on my door to borrow cash or even worst
Jake Simmons
Affiliate Manager
BetOnline.com Sportbook, Racebook & Casino
I don't think publishing full details is the right thing to do. Having your full name and address listed could attract all kinds of unwelcome attention.