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Thread: site review

  1. #1
    theCryptoJohn is offline Public Member
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    Default site review

    i have two websites
    One is

    This site has been relaunched recently and will be solely dedicated to regulated Us and Canadian brands

    Thoughts and advice on long term seo and getting it ranked for keywords is appreciated

  2. #2
    chaumi is offline Private Member
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    I'd focus first on identity and content, and the two (to an extent) go hand-in-hand.


    Currently ......... ***Trusted Gambling Online - Full Stack Mag for e-Sports, Betting and Gambling***

    So that strapline implies you want to take a magazine-type approach.
    But about all forms/types of gambling/betting
    So...betting and gambling are (near enough) interchangeable high-level terms
    But e-sports is (as you intend it) is one of those types of betting/gambling

    So immediately your identity/reason to be is confused.

    Potential solution - drop esports from the strapline, and then (assuming you want to play the 'trusted' gambling resource line) this makes it something like ' Trusted Gambling Online - Betting & Online Gambling Breaking News & Guides'

    (and then in the description you can expand and bring in 'North America' or 'US/Canada')

    Now (and again assuming you want to cover all forms of gambling) esports becomes one of your categories alongside casino, poker, bingo, sports betting, lotteries, etc etc etc

    Which brings us to content....


    You have none (yet, one lottery winners post doesn't count!

    I'd suggest best way to move forward will be to build in-depth pages around whatever you think you'll target (lottery, casino, sports betting, whatever)...use those as your hubs for all related news-type posts as you make them. That way you start to build some sort of structure, and you can work on getting that structure either by building those top-level pages first, or one by one as you build specific category posts.

    But do note........

    I get the impression you're working alone.

    So (assuming correct), as soon as you start targeting multiple forms of gambling, by the time you've created 3 posts you should realize that it's nigh on impossible to cover everything (unless you have a team/some tricks up your sleeve/lots of cash to spend/have somehow worked out how to not sleep and have a day that lasts 36 hours or more.'re not doing anything (yet) that hasn't been done 10,000 times before. those target markets, you'll have competition with deeper pockets than you can imagine, with teams, and extensive experience both in the industry and with SEO.

    None of that is specifically a reason not to do what you seem to intend to do. But it won't be easy for sure, and unless you narrow the focus, it'll be pretty easy to get burned out quickly and potentially demoralized. Even narrowing the focus won't necessarily greatly improve chances, but finding some aspect to focus on may help you find/identify a way that you can be competitive with the big media firms and aged sites that target those markets (and bear in mind there will be lots of newish sites that are currently growing where the creators are going after exactly those markets, some of which will make it big).

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  4. #3
    CatalinAMG's Avatar
    CatalinAMG is offline Private Member
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    Your website is very poor in content. The menu doesn't lead to anything except for one post found in the "News" category. Also, your bottom begambleaware logo is the dummy image from the theme, you should get rid of that too. There is a lot of work to be done so start working on the pages/articles. Best of luck with your website!

  5. #4
    PaulEchere's Avatar
    PaulEchere is offline Private Member
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    I am usually not the best person to comment on design, however from a purely visual standpoint - it looks good to me.
    The main thing that is actually worth reviewing and that mostly drives traffic is content. At the moment there is not much content, so it would probably be best to do some research on what kind of content you want to add, what kind of visitors you want to attract and action that.
    Once you have more content - having it reviewed would bring much more value.

  6. #5
    casinostoprating's Avatar
    casinostoprating is offline Private Member
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    I like this site. Comfortable and beautiful

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