Originally Posted by
I agree also with that.
Many times I have seen where programs go to a lot of trouble to create decent looking landing pages but then they will screw them up and have every single link start the download often at the same time as not providing any links to the home page, or like Edgar says they don't state it is a download link.
I agree that clicking the link that says claim bonus or whatever may ultimately lead to a situation where the visitor has to download the software, but I also think download links need to be fairly clearly marked.
It's a bit of a trade off, we are trying to get the software on to the visitors computer, but getting them to sign on the dotted line (fill out the form and submit it) is far more important in my opinion.
Once they do that, by all means, let's ask for their wallet.... if they click a download link first, great let's ask them to sign up while the download is in progress, but holding their hand and being very clear on the process is also very important to a lot of visitors.
Sure some very savvy players may come to the site presold and ready to throw their wallets at the casino, that's great, but those players are already looking for the sign up button or the download button when they arrive, but those very same players may also be looking for the promotions pages or the terms and conditions links, and they should be easy to find and read before we shove the download at them.
Disclaimer: Having been in sales of one form or another for more than 30 years, one should NEVER be afraid to ask for the wallet, the difficult part in face-to-face sales is determining whether to ask the woman or the man. If you guess wrong and ask the man and you see the womn suddenly put her hand over her purse, you know you just screwed up and asked the wrong one, since "she" controls the household money.
And if you ask the woman and the man places his hand on his back pocket and you are not making eye contact with him you just blew it since he is gonna feel that you threatened his manhood because you placed too much emphasis on her power within the relationship.
Of course most of that doesn't work the same way online, and since selling casino gambling is more of a private thing you only have to sell one at a time, but it is very similar to selling timeshares since you are selling a dream....lol